What races are there in the Milpa Alta IPN? –

What races are there in the Milpa Alta IPN?

Medical Biological Sciences

  • Degree in nutrition. CICS Milpa Alta Unit.
  • Bachelor of Optometry.
  • Bachelor of Psychology.
  • Bachelor of Biology.
  • Degree in nursing.
  • Bachelor of Nursing and Obstetrics.
  • Bachelor of Dentistry.
  • Degree in social work.

What does CICS mean?

CICS, an acronym in English for Customer Information Control System (in Spanish, Customer Information Control System), is a transactional manager, or teleprocess monitor, which runs mainly on IBM mainframes with the operating systems OS/390, z/ OS or VSE.

How to re-register for IPN 2020?

The re-registration will be by window, presenting your identification and corresponding format (Delivery of receipt of documents) in your shift with a schedule from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the morning shift and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for the morning shift. afternoon shift.

How to request a change of campus in the IPN?

The student may request in writing, once, by level of studies, the change of program and/or educational modality and/or academic unit. For this, he must comply with the requirements issued by the Academic Secretary for this purpose.

How to temporarily unsubscribe from the IPN?

1. Copy of proof of registration signed and stamped at the window 2. Copy of the current temporary leave letter, if applicable 3. Statement of reasons (4 originals) with the complete data of the applicant: full name, ticket number , academic program, period (s) for which the withdrawal is requested.

How to change campus at UNAM?


  1. Be enrolled in the career for which you request the change of campus.
  2. Be within the first two years of entering the cycle.
  3. Once enrolled in the Open University System, the change to the School System will NOT be authorized.
  4. That the quota of the campuses allows it.

What is the IPN academic technical opinion?

Academic Technical Opinion of Equivalence or Revalidation of Studies: Document that expresses the resolution, based on the analysis of a collegiate body, on the learning units or their equivalent, completed by the student that are comparable with those contemplated in the curriculum in which…

What is the opinion of equivalence of studies?

What is a Study Equivalence? It is the document that is issued from one educational modality to another, which facilitates the transit of students. 6. An equivalence is the document through which the educational authority declares that studies carried out within the National Educational System are comparable to each other.

How to change CCH campus?

How can I process it? At the end of your first year, you can request a shift or campus change, to make this request a call is published on the DGAE page https://www.dgae-siae.unam.mx/.

What is the cycle change at UNAM?

It is the procedure requested by the student who is registered in a career and wishes to change to another within the same or a different campus, he can request it by article 20 of the General Registration Regulations or in the event that the procedure is not open in the campus, must do it by Contest of …

How to take a second career at UNAM?


  1. Have completed the first race at UNAM.
  2. Have obtained a minimum average of eight in the first race.
  3. That the quota of the race and requested campus allows it.
  4. Cover the additional requirements approved by the Technical Council of the school or faculty to which you intend to enter:

How many careers can you take at UNAM?

The National Autonomous University of Mexico has the largest educational offer in the country at the undergraduate and engineering level. Yes, as you read it, this house of studies teaches 130 careers that are distributed in 4 areas of knowledge.

What happens if I made a mistake in the application for admission to UNAM?

Once you have signed and completed your registration you will not be able to modify any of the data registered from your account, so if you have made a mistake you need to request an inquiry by email. There are two possible cases.

How many careers can be chosen in the UNAM application?

How many career options can I register? You must choose two career options. The first can be any of the area in which the baccalaureate ends, the second can be from any area, as long as it is not from the Open System, nor from those indicated with prerequisites or high demand.

What to study for the UNAM Area 2 exam?

In the UNAM entrance exam you can choose from four different areas….

Area 2. Biological, Chemical and Health Sciences Biology Basic Biomedical Research Environmental Sciences Neurosciences Genomic Sciences Nutriology Surgeon Dentist Dentistry

How many times a year does the UNAM call come out?

This selection contest is held 3 times a year and the calls are published in the months of: January, April and September. The requirements to enter UNAM are the following: Have completed high school with a minimum average of 7.0. Obtain the number of correct answers in the Selection Exam.

How many times can you change careers at UNAM?

Article 19. A second career may be taken after obtaining the degree in the first, when: The quota of the career or the campus allows it and the applicant has obtained a minimum average of eight in the subjects corresponding to the first career.

How much time do you have to finish your degree at UNAM?

In the case of the bachelor’s degree, the General Enrollment Regulations of the UNAM order that students who have not been able to complete their degree within the prescribed time (the vast majority of degrees are four years) will have the right to complete the degree in two years. More years; that is, for a run of four…

How many options can you put in UNAM 2022?

How many career options can you register? You must choose two career options. The first can be any of the area in which the baccalaureate ends, the second can be from any area, as long as it is not from the Open System, nor from those indicated with prerequisites or high demand.

How much time do I have to graduate after graduating from UNAM?

Graduates of the National Preparatory School and the College of Sciences and Humanities who have completed their studies in a maximum of four years, counted from their admission, with a minimum average of seven.

How long can it take to qualify?

four years

How long can I take to qualify?

It can take up to four more years for a student to graduate from higher education.

What is the average to graduate by UNAM average?

For regular students who have a minimum final average of 9.5, have covered all the credits of the study plan in curricular time and have not obtained a failing grade in any subject or module.

What is the average to graduate by average?

It is the automatic obtaining of the title for having obtained a minimum global average of 95 (ninety-five), approving a maximum of 10% (ten percent) of the subjects in extraordinary period.

What is the cost of a college degree?


Concept Amount Cost for registration of professional title and issuance of electronic professional ID for foreigners and Mexicans with studies in Mexico for higher technical university level and bachelor’s degree $1,359.43 mxn

What is the price of a university degree?

The costs to graduate from a public university are very varied, these range from 300 to 4,495 pesos for the most expensive procedure.

What is the cost of the degree?

In public institutions such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the National Polytechnic Institute or the Metropolitan Autonomous University, the amount of the titling procedures is approximately $2,000 pesos. This price includes the printing of the title on security paper and the professional license.