What is the local scale? –

What is the local scale?

The local scale: allows us to identify areas, regions or places within the locality, for example: We can locate a school, a church or a field. The national scale: allows us to identify the geographical characteristics of a certain country, for example: the central region and the rivers.

What is observed in a representation at a local scale?

The local scale is useful if you want to observe, analyze or explain something that happens or occurs in a municipality or locality in greater detail, because this level of analysis focuses on what happens in a smaller space. NUMERICAL AND GRAPHIC SCALES ON THE MAPS.

What is the local scale of Mexico?

Scale 1:250,000 The scale can be numerical or graphic, and both serve to determine the equivalence of distances on the map with respect to reality.

What is local scale examples?

The local scale is a concept that has several applications in different sciences. In general, it can be defined as a level associated with a very specific area, generally geographical or at least physically delimitable. This area is characterized by being part of a whole that contains it and is much broader.

What is the national scale examples?

The national scale is an element of analysis that serves to make references about what happens within a country, or also to make comparisons with respect to local, regional or international values.

What is a world scale and what is it for?

On this scale we can see the whole world and identify different features of the geographical space, however we cannot see much detail, so if we talk about a region we can refer to the region of desert climates or the European region and if we talk about a specific place we can talk about cities.

What are the characteristics of the world scale?

Among some characteristics of the World Scale are: 1) It represents the world map or planisphere. 2) Covers more territory. 3) Details are minor.

What are the three geographic scales?

In the area of ​​cartography, there are two ways of classifying scales: According to the relationship that exists between the represented object and its drawing, there are three types of scale: the natural scale, the reduction and enlargement scale.

What is a component of geographic space?

There are different components of geographic space: natural, social, political, economic, cultural. NATURAL COMPONENTS are all those characteristics created by nature such as rivers, seas, mountains, lakes, lagoons, etc.

What is the difference between the components and the characteristics of geographic space?

The difference is that the natural elements are its rivers, vegetation, mountains, reliefs, animals and the others are patterns or expressions of the society that inhabits that space.

What is a social component examples?

Examples of social components: refers to population values ​​such as geographic density, distribution, concentration, migratory movements, birth rate, mortality, population composition, fertility, urban population, rural population.

How are the components of geographic space related?

The relationships of the components of geographic space are approached in a gradual sequence: from the particular to the general, from the near to the distant and from the known to the unknown, considering that the components manifest themselves spatially in an integrated manner in various categories of analysis: place, medium.

What uses do we give to what biodiversity offers us?

There are several services provided by biodiversity, including the degradation of organic waste, soil formation and erosion control, nitrogen fixation, increase in food resources of crops and their production, biological control of pests, plant pollination , pharmaceutical products…