What are the synonyms and antonyms of freedom? –

What are the synonyms and antonyms of liberty?


  • will, will, self-determination.
  • independence, autonomy, liberation, release, emancipation.
  • openness, spontaneity, familiarity, sincerity, trust, simplicity.
  • ease, looseness, ease, daring, audacity.
  • license, waiver, exemption, permission, privilege.
  • debauchery.

What does free will mean?

1 will, choice, decision, will, power, freedom. Example: He gave his students free will to choose the topic of presentation.

What is the meaning of freedom?

Freedom is the power that a person has to act as they see fit, according to their own criteria. Without being subject to physical deprivation or coercion. Within a well-defined framework, which marks its limits, such as the law.

What would be the position occupied by freedom?

Freedom is situated in the interiority of the person and following this line of thought Ricardo Yepes Stork affirms: It is one of the defining notes of the person. It allows man to reach his maximum greatness but also his greatest degradation. It is perhaps his most valuable gift because it permeates and defines all of his actions.

What is freedom and an example?

Freedom is the power that a person or group of people possesses to act in different life situations according to their rights and their own will. For example: freedom of choice, freedom of religion, freedom of expression.

What does free will mean?

By free will we mean the ability to choose between different alternatives that are offered to us or to create new ones. No one and no law of nature can twist our will in principle. We consider ourselves empowered to make decisions.

What is the antonym of freedom?

What is the antonym of freedom? What is the antonym of freedom? What is the antonym of freedom? Here is a list of opposite words. What is the antonym of break free?

What is the antonym of break free?

What is the antonym of freedom? Here is a list of opposite words. What is the antonym of break free? What is the antonym of release?

What is the word ‘freedom’ in the forums?

Forum discussions with the word(s) ‘freedom’ in the title: are men (?) granted greater freedom… freedom of movement? Pronunciation: you, freedom, ecc. Visit the Only Spanish forum. Help WordReference: Ask yourself.

What is the synonym of freedom?

2 independence, emancipation, liberation, self-determination, autonomy. Privilege: 3 privilege, prerogative, exemption.

How do you say deprive of freedom?

The Deprivation of Liberty is the action consisting of depriving someone of their ambulatory freedom, confining them without taking into account their will, in a closed building designed for that purpose.

What kind of word is freedom?

GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY OF LIBERTAD Libertad is a noun. The name or noun is that type of words whose meaning determines reality. Nouns name all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

What has been spotted synonyms?


  • dirty, greasy, grimy.
  • painted, stained, marbled, veined, scratched, striped.

What is the synonym of confidence?

4 familiarity, openness, straightforwardness, closeness. Example: There is trust between us because we have known each other for years. Freedom with which something can be expressed: 5 frankness, freedom.

What is the crime against personal liberty?

Whoever deprives another person of liberty with the purpose of obtaining a ransom, some economic benefit, causing damage or injury to the person deprived of liberty or to any other, will be imposed from forty to sixty years in prison and from one thousand to three thousand fine days.

What are the crimes against individual liberty?

Title XII, «On crimes against the person», Chapter III, «against individual freedom», which includes five Sections I) «against individual personality»: slavery and plagiarism (arts. boa to 6o4); II) «against personal freedom»: kidnapping (art. 6o5), abuses of public officials (arts.

What is the Word of freedom?

The verb liberate has a regular verbal conjugation and is pronominal, that is to say that it can be conjugated reflexively as liberate me, liberate you, liberate yourself, liberate us, liberate you and liberate yourself. This verb is recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy.

What does it mean to be a free person?

The term free, an adjective, can refer, in this encyclopedia: to those who have freedom, that is, to those who have the possibility of making decisions and carrying out actions without external impositions.