What are the characteristics of the conference? –

What are the characteristics of the conference?

Definition The conference is a type of oral presentation, given by specialists, focused on the presentation of a specific topic and of interest to the public for which it is intended. Structure To talk about the structure of the conference, it is important to distinguish between two phases: the written and the oral.

What characteristics and skills does the speaker have?

Hold the audience’s attention. Visual contact with the public is vital, through it, they feel included. Intonation and gesticulation should be clear, natural and spontaneous. Being a Speaker is much more than talking, being a Speaker requires having a story and knowing how to tell it.

How to describe a speaker?

The Best Speakers have the ability to establish communicating vessels, a fundamental characteristic, since it allows feedback, a fundamental element to get to know the other and thus be able to grant them responsibilities that go according to their personality, which will be very beneficial for the company…

How to describe a speaker?

6 characteristics that should not be missing in a speaker

  1. 1) Passion. When you feel passion for the topic of your presentation, it will show through in your non-verbal language: in your voice, in your eyes, in your gestures.
  2. 2) Humility.
  3. 3) Opening.
  4. 4) Naturalness.
  5. 5) Credibility.
  6. 6) Humour.

How to present an example speaker?

Four suggestions for presenting a speaker that arouses the interest of the audience

  1. 1 Carefully prepare everything you are going to say.
  2. 2 Follow the TIO formula.
  3. 3 Be enthusiastic.
  4. 4 Be sincerely affectionate.

What is a speaker in arts?

person who speaks on a topic for an audience Speakers come from all over the world to the philosophy congress.

What is the function of the speakers in a round table?

When you are at a round table, there has to be a topic on which they are going to talk and discuss, the role of the speaker is to give their point of view and say whether or not the others agree.

What is the role of the reporting magistrate?

He is the member of the collegiate jurisdictional body in charge of carrying out the direct procedures related to the lawsuit. All the magistrates of the Chamber, including the president, enter the shift scheduled for this purpose.

What are the functions of the speaker in a forum?


  • The Coordinator. This is in charge of the smooth running of the forum, among its basic functions are: •
  • Speakers or Exhibitors. They are all those people who prepare to discuss the subject, they try to make their presentation simple and orderly.
  • The Secretary.

What is the role of exhibitors in the forum?

Forum participants The moderator or Coordinator: He is the one who determines the time of the meeting, also introduces the participants and speakers, explains precisely the subject to be discussed and the general objectives.

What are the functions of a speaker in a debate?

Speaker: will expose the assigned topic during the assigned time (approximately 20 minutes). It will address: the central theme of the conference, the progress of the specific theme; review and updating of knowledge in the particular field. You must answer the questions of the audience when the moderator orders it.

Who is the speaker in a lawsuit?

The one who is responsible for this function of immediacy of direction and management of the matter is called Magistrate Rapporteur, or Rapporteur, simply, who, in addition, corresponds to the most important of his functions, the drafting of the resolutions that are agreed, especially, sentence.

What is the speaker?

Said of a person: Author of a paper. 2. adj. Said of a magistrate , an official or a member of a collegiate body or assembly : Appointed to report on a matter and propose a resolution .

Who is the reporting magistrate?

Magistrate of the chamber who is designated so that, in relation to a lawsuit or cause, assumes the ordinary dispatch and care of its processing, practices the evidence, reports on the appeals filed against the decisions of the chamber, proposes the decision-making documents of Incidents, sentences and other resolutions…

What is a speaker and what does he do?

What does an exhibitor do?

An exhibitor, exhibitor in Latin America, or display cabinet is a piece of furniture in which products intended for sale are displayed, or promotional material such as brochures, catalogs or small magazines available to the customer.

What is the role of moderators?

The main role of a moderator in a debate is to ensure that the discussion runs smoothly and is fruitful. He grants turns to speak and intervenes in the event of any conflict.

What are the advantages of group dynamics?

Among its many benefits are the following:

  • Feeling of belonging to a group. Being aware of belonging to a group gives them security and strength.
  • self-knowledge
  • Communication and socialization.
  • Participation and division of tasks.
  • Conflict resolution.