Reading Meaning Of The Spanish Cards Of 40 Playing Cards –

It is also commonly expressed that the figures were taken so that they have the possibility of being interpreted in divination since there is a card for each situation that the consultant presents. Today it is widely used for recreational purposes in children and various betting, fortune telling and esoteric games, among many other uses, but always in this theme. As well as games by compilation or in important competitions that we will talk about much later. Inconveniences, intrigues against you, arguments, depression or loneliness due to a pathology, travel due to a pathology, death of a relationship or of a person.

Reveal if your luck and fortune are going to change with this free card spread about work and money. Its general meaning resembles it to the minor arcana of the Tarot. It is assured that it was from the gypsy tarot that he inherited those meanings. It is famous as one of those with a much older presence on the European continent. Virtually since its creation (or introduction) it has been associated with the divinatory arts.

The Spanish Deck Tarot has other systems such as the 21 Spread or the Crown Spread, indicated to guess the future. The Spanish deck can also include two jokers. On the other hand, cups and golds mention blond people and wands and swords speak of people with dark hair and complexion. We are talking about one of the cards that represents good news.

Tarot Reading Deck of Spain Meaning

The number 1 is called «ace» and depending on each game, the cards may have a different value. Although it is said that in the year 1539 when the decks are described, they tell us that the gold and cups were worth much more if they were low numbers and the swords and clubs if they had a higher number. The cups and wands cards are generally considered positive and happy cards, while gold and swords are considered negative, obstacles, etc. Surprises, rushes, hidden loves, good in studies. If we talk about deadlines, it will be in the long term or within a year.

It announces moments of confusion, inconveniences, blockages, legal inconveniences. Work, travel, action, professional success, projects, energy, travel. As you practice, you will gain ease and you will add or change meanings due to your own experiences. You may find it easier at first if you write on each card some of the meanings. This symbology has been perpetuated over time both in the deck for playful use as well as its use in tarot spreads. The EIGHT on the right announces the absence of setbacks and the arrival of stability.

Throwing The Tarot With The Deck Of Spain

Gallardo was responsible for multiple atrocities until 2003, when he took the life of a young man near Barajas. After the fateful event, this character left an Ace of Cups next to the victim, as if it were a personal signature. And there is a very important factor in decks. More specifically between the drinks and that is Alfredo Galán, the serial killer in Madrid.

Commonly when they appear in the circulation, it is because you are entangled with issues that are related to relationships or personal ties. Clippings are a handy way to collect important slides to return to later. At this time you can set the name of a clipping board to store your clippings.

Interpretation Of The Deck Of Spain

They have 4 suits and a deck tends to be made up of 40 or 48 cards. The figures of cups and golds indicate people with fair skin and blondes; the figures of swords and clubs refer to people with brown skin and dark hair. The cups and gold cards represent people with blonde hair and light skin, and the clubs and swords represent people with dark hair and skin. There are decks that include the numbers 8 and 9 and others that do not.

Divinatory Meaning of the Deck of Spain

Apart from the aforementioned concept of the Spanish deck, its cards are also part of the set of the lower Mysteries of the Tarot. In the case of Cups, this suit is related to the emotional dimension of people; the Golds, are linked to material success or failure and recognition of others; the Swords allude to health, and the Wands to work. To know the concept of these cards at the time they are used to draw the tarot, it will be necessary to take into account the suits, numbers and figures. Also, do not forget that the Spanish deck is made up of 2 poles, one male and one female. The Deck of Spain has 48 cards divided into four suits.

It deals with labor issues, promotion at work, good negotiations, a responsible and blameless person, an excellent professional, job stability, an excellent colleague will appear for your business. That the Neapolitan deck is similar to the old Spanish deck. In addition, certain cartomantes interpret the cards according to whether they go straight or backwards.