Natalie Portman is Thor! How she got herself into superhero form

Many Marvel fans have been waiting for this: Natalie Portman plays Thor. In an interview, the actress revealed how she prepared for the physically challenging superhero role — and built muscle.

What was already laid out in the comics now also happens in the fourth part of the film series: Natalie Portman aka Jane Foster becomes the female Thor. This is revealed by the first trailer for «Thor: Love and Thunder», which has now been released. It shows the actress in a superhero outfit and with the famous hammer of the gods in her hand. The 40-year-old takes over the baton from Chris Hemsworth. As is well known, he had built up a lot of muscles for the role. And Natalie Portman also did some physical preparation for the part – we explain the training that got her in top shape for Thor.

Natalie Portman’s Thor Training

Unlike previous roles, this time the 40-year-old had to build muscle. «There was a lot of fun. I worked with trainer Naomi Pendergast four months before and of course during filming,» Natalie Portman told Vanity Fair. To get into superhero shape, the actress took up heavyweight training for the first time in her life: «We worked with weights and I drank a lot of protein shakes. I had never before consciously trained with the aim of becoming muscular. Flexibility and strength training were on the plan.”

Watch Natalie Portman as a female Thor in the trailer:

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Why the Hollywood star struggled with motivation

But even a Hollywood star who is physically preparing for the role of a superhero or a goddess of thunder does not always feel like doing the necessary sport. Speaking on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Natalie Portman said it was sometimes difficult to pull herself together for the grueling Thor workout: «I was just out of the pandemic months of eating a lot of pastries and feeling sorry for myself had been in bed. I just feel tired – after a training session as well as during it. And before that, I always dread the workout.”

»I feel strong for the first time in my life

But Natalie Portman was disciplined and went through the Thor training. Not just to get in top physical shape, but also to get through the grueling superhero filming. «It helped me embody the character and it changed the way I move. You walk differently. You feel different. It’s amazing that I’m feeling strong for the first time in my life,» the 40-year-old told Vanity Fair.

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Natalie Portman usually relies on these workouts

Away from Thor, the actress is less concerned with building muscle and more with fitness. Because of this, their workout routine usually looks a little different. In the past, for example, she did ballet training. In doing so, she prepared for the film Black Swan, which earned her an Oscar for Best Actress. Otherwise, Natalie Portman relies on running. In a 2019 Women’s Health UK interview, she revealed that she runs for an hour three times a week. She also does Gyrotonics, a holistic movement and training concept that combines elements from yoga, tai chi, dance, swimming and gymnastics. In general, yoga is one of Natalie Portman’s favorite workouts: “I used to do mostly Ashtanga. But now I like to try everything. I do whatever yoga class is available at the time I can.”

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The actress is vegan

Not only sport plays an important role in Natalie Portman’s life. The topic of nutrition is also very important to the mother of two. Ever since she was a child, she has avoided meat. She has been vegan for almost 15 years now. In order to show how varied and easy vegan dishes can be prepared, the actress has repeatedly shared her cooking skills with her fans on Instagram over the past few years.