How long does it take from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosi by bus? –

How long does it take from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosi by bus?

How long is the bus ride to Zacatecas, ZS from San Luis Potosí? The fastest bus from San Luis Potosí to Zacatecas, ZS takes you to your destination in 0h 52m.

How many kilometers are from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosí?

The straight line distance between San Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosí) and Zacatecas (Zacatecas) is 176.44 km, but the distance en route is 189 km. It takes 2h 18 min to go from San Luis Potosí to Zacatecas by car, which would require a consumption of 11 liters of fuel.

How long does it take from San Luis Potosí to Zacatecas?

The distance between Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí is 190 kilometers by road. The distance from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosí by car takes approximately 5 hours and 22 minutes.

How many booths are there from San Luis Potosi to Zacatecas?

188.9km, 2hrs 35mins

Continue on García Diego 15 m Continue on Carretera San Luis Potosi-Zacatecas, MEX 49 100 m Continue on Carretera San Luis Potosi-Zacatecas, MEX 49 1.5 km Keep right 150 km Keep left on Boulevard López Portillo, MEX 45 500 m

How to get to San Luis Potosi de Zacatecas?

The distance between Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí is 178 km. The distance by road is 190 km. How do I travel from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosí without a car? The best way to get from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosí without a car is to bus which takes 3h and costs $270 – $390.

How much does the ticket from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosi cost?

Zacatecas Bus → San Luis Potosí $356 MXN – Buy Tickets.

How to get from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosi?

The best way to get from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosí without a car is to bus which takes 3h and costs $270 – $390.

How long does it take from Mexico City to San Luis?

The straight line distance between Mexico City (Federal District) and San Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosí) is 359.32 km, but the distance en route is 418 km. It takes 4h 32min to go from Mexico City to San Luis Potosí by car, which would require a consumption of 25 liters of fuel.

How much does the ticket from San Luis Potosi to Aguascalientes cost?

This route is connected by 4 bus lines with tickets costing between $133.00 and $278.00.

What buses leave from San Luis Potosi to Aguascalientes?

There are a total of 6 bus companies operating this trip. All of Futura Select, Futura, Transportes Frontera, Transportes Chihuahuenses Select, Transportes Chihuahuenses, Rojo de los Altos have together a total of 46 bus schedules from San Luis Potosí to Aguascalientes.

How much are tickets to San Luis Potosí?

How much does a bus ticket from Mexico City to San Luis Potosí cost?…The cheapest tickets Mexico City to San Luis Potosí by truck.

Cheapest ticket price $350 MXN Number of departures per day 28 departures

How long does it take from Mexico to Aguascalientes by bus?

How long does the bus that makes the Mexico City-Aguascalientes route take? The fastest bus from Mexico City to Aguascalientes starts at 5h 45m.

How much is the ticket from Aguascalientes to Mexico?

This route is offered by 2 bus lines with a ticket price range between $581.00 and $608.00.

Where do the buses leave for Aguascalientes?

Buses traveling between Mexico City and Aguascalientes leave from Norte or TAPO and arrive at Central de Autobuses de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes Bus Stop, Tecuan.

How much does a bus ticket from Aguascalientes to Guanajuato cost?

This route is offered by 2 bus lines with a ticket price range between $293.00 and $7,121.74.

How much is the ticket from Celaya to Aguascalientes?

This route is connected by 3 bus lines with tickets costing between $419.00 and $466.00.

How much does the bus ticket from Guadalajara to Aguascalientes cost?

$377 MXN

Line Departures Price Primera Plus 9 departures 7:00 AM 7:20 PM $342 MXN Omnibus de México Plus Service 25 departures 4:00 AM 11:59 PM $377 MXN ETN 9 departures 1:30 AM 9:30 PM $391 MXN Tourist Luxury 4 departures 3:45 AM 11:30 PM $391 MXN

How do I get from Guadalajara to Aguascalientes?

The cheapest way to get from Guadalajara to Aguascalientes is to bus which costs $250 – $600 and takes 3h 20m. What is the fastest way to get from Guadalajara to Aguascalientes? The quickest way to get from Guadalajara to Aguascalientes is to taxi which costs $1600 – $1900 and takes 2h 34m.

How many hours are from Jalisco to Aguascalientes?

The straight line distance between Guadalajara (Jalisco) and Aguascalientes (Aguascalientes) is 173.26 km, but the distance en route is 220 km. It takes 2h 32m to go from Guadalajara to Aguascalientes by car, which would require a consumption of 13 liters of fuel.

How many toll booths are there from Guadalajara to Aguascalientes?

The distance between Aguascalientes and Guadalajara is 219 kilometers by road, including 163 kilometers by highway. The distance between Aguascalientes to Guadalajara by car takes approximately 5 hours and 51 minutes….

Car toll booth Jalostotitlan 177 MXN Tepatitlan 214 MXN La Joya ? Total 541 + ? MXN

How many kilometers are from Guadalajara to Aguascalientes by freelancing?

The distance between Guadalajara Jalisco and Aguascalientes Aguascalientes is 221 km. The estimated time of the travel route between the two cities is approximately 2 hours 27 minutes. In a straight line the distance between Guadalajara and Aguascalientes is 175 km.