And you… Do you also have a dimple on your chin? – Super curious

Dimples on the chin: they are attractive, they offer an air of subtle seduction and there are many, many actors and models that come to mind with that original facial nuance.

If you yourself have a dimple on your chin and you wonder why, You should pay attention to your parents: it is very likely that someone in your family also has it., because we are facing one of those characters where genetics sculpt very special nuances. It is a recessive gene, something very similar to what happens with widow’s peak, which we also told you about in .

We explain it to you!

And you…Do you also have a dimple on your chin?

If we think of a couple of actors known for that characteristic dimple on their chin, Kirk Douglas and his son Michael Douglas immediately come to mind.

It is possible that at this point, many of our readers have their doubts right now after having read that this nuance clearly has a hereditary component.

What if I have the dimple and my parents don’t? Am I adopted maybe?

Not necessarily: due to the penetrance and expressiveness of the «subtle art» of genetics, it is possible that your parents, despite having this dominance, do not have it very marked or it is almost insignificant. The The presence or absence of a dimple is not a definitive test of paternity by itself.. In many cases you are a carrier but the trait does not appear.

With this clarified, let’s now see what is the reason for coming into the world with that dimple:

  • When we are born we have about 300 bones, however, at maturity we are left with 206. How can this be?
  • The bones join together over the years, and the jaw is one of those structures that mature little by little.
  • Before birth, a right and a left half are welded together just at chin level.
  • Now, there is a certain gene that we inherit from our parents that will order that these two jaw bones do not end up joining together, leaving an attractive fissure in the center, and hence… the dimple.
  • Something we already know about genetics is that all of us have a double chromosome set.. That is, we have a “chromosomal copy from our mother and another from our father.”

The combinations between the alleles of our parents can determine the rule that we now reflect to you, which will make us have the dimple or not. We must keep in mind that a combination between the alleles of our parents (DD or dd) will be called homozygosity, and that the combination of alleles (Dd or dD) is known as heterozygosity.

  • DD the person has a dimple.
  • dd the person does not have a dimple.
  • Dd the person has a dimple.
  • dD the person has a dimple.

As you can see, the topic of genetics is very interesting, complex but curious, and this, at the same time, makes us understand the reason for certain inherited traits and characteristics. Now, socially, the issue of a dimple on the chin usually causes some discomfort for many women. They see it as a masculine nuanceHowever, many men find them attractive, because they outline a somewhat different but charming female face.

And now tell us… Do you have a dimple on your chin? Do you have them on your cheeks maybe when you laugh? Don’t forget to leave us your comments and also remember our article about how your face speaks about your personality and your health.