5 servings of vegetables and fruit a day – what does that even mean?

It should be “five portions of fruit and vegetables a day”. Everyone has heard this recommendation before. But why exactly five? And how big is such a portion? Where does the recommendation come from, what is it supposed to do – and is it justified at all? FITBOOK found out.

The recommendation to eat 5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day comes from the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) in cooperation with various experts from German universities and nutrition institutes.

Who is behind «5 a day».

So there are several professional societies behind the «5 a day» campaign and the conviction: «A high consumption of vegetables and fruit» improves the state of health and thus prevents various diseases. Exactly how – this is explained by the DGE in a 56-page statement on the campaign.

That’s what the senders of the campaign think really

The recommended five servings are divided into three vegetables and two fruits. At the end of the day, around 400 grams of vegetables should have come together in this way – either cooked or in the form of raw vegetables or salad. When it comes to fruit, according to the “5 a day” campaign, 250 grams a day is enough.

The size of the individual portions is therefore not defined. In this respect, the number 5 was actually chosen at random – because the senders of the campaign are ultimately concerned with the ideal total amount of fruit and vegetables consumed.

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What is the point of eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day? That’s what the expert says

Consuming a lot of fruit and vegetables means a high intake of valuable nutrients, fiber and secondary plant substances. This supports health maintenance, the letter says. The experts rely on «convincing evidence» obtained through the analysis of numerous studies available in the literature.

Expert is skeptical

Graduate ecotrophologist Uwe Knop is skeptical about the whole thing. Whatever applies to nutritional studies: You cannot rely on the fact that the test persons’ statements regarding their eating and drinking habits are correct. What and how much the people who were included in the assessment consumed over the course of the day, and whether one can speak of five portions of vegetables and fruit – one simply does not know.

Knop reminds that the «5 a day» campaign was introduced more than 15 years ago. “Back then, it was believed that eating vegetables and fruit protected against cancer. But we now know that there is not a single piece of evidence for this,» the expert told FITBOOK. This also applies to all other diseases.

Do not take the quantity recommendation too strictly

The five servings of vegetables and fruit is not to be understood as a math problem, let alone as a request to interrupt the day for exactly five punctual portions of fruit and vegetables. Rather, it is about creating awareness that the consumption of vegetables and fruit is health-promoting. It undoubtedly makes sense to eat an apple instead of a chocolate bar in between – and thus to get a portion of fruit.

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Encourage fruit and vegetable consumption

FITBOOK has already reported on a study at Tuft University in the US state of Massachusetts, on the basis of which those responsible for the study called for government subsidies for fruit and vegetable purchases. Using a corresponding test model, the scientists had calculated that around 1.93 million cardiovascular diseases could be avoided in America if more fruit and vegetables were available to the public. The idea of ​​a subsidized health program came about because healthy eating is also a question of cost for many people.


Five servings of vegetables and fruit a day and diseases no longer stand a chance? Unfortunately it’s not that easy. The now aging «5 a day» campaign shouldn’t pressure anyone to be neurotic about eating by numbers. Likewise, it cannot be good for your health to overload the gastrointestinal tract with raw food, for example, if you do not tolerate it well.

But if you like vegetables and fruit, use the rule of thumb to make higher-fiber and lower-calorie decisions as if the day consisted of many portions of greasy, sugary snacks. Just don’t promise yourself too much.