Words with ck: word list and rules

«This house is haunted!» has a very different meaning than «This house is spitting!» This is because the words «spukt» and «spit» differ from each other by the presence and absence of a «c» in front of the «k». Thus, the sentences differ in content – whereby the first sentence sounds a bit strange.

Words with ck: The use of «k»

In order to find out when to use «k» or «ck», you have to look at the vowel or umlaut before it look at. Depending on whether he pronounced long or short the word is written with «k» or «ck».

At the beginning the question should be clarified when words with k are written.

«k» after a long vowel

If a vowel («a», «e», «i», «o» and «u») is pronounced long, a «k» is used afterwards. By reading words aloud, you can tell if the vowel is pronounced long or short.

  • The biscuit – long «e»
  • Cup – long «o»
  • spook – long «u»
  • rocket – long «a»
  • prick – long «i»

«k» after a long umlaut

If an umlaut («ä», «ö» and «ü») is pronounced long, a «k» also follows.

  • to complain – long «ä»
  • pickle – long «ö»
  • Chick – long «ü»

«k» after a double sound

After the double sounds «au», «äu», «eu» and «ei» a «k» is always written.

  • kettledrum – after «au»
  • Klamauk – after «au»
  • strike – after «ei»
  • delicate – after «egg»

«k» after a consonant

A «k» is always written after a consonant.

are consonants consonants, which usually come after vowels. These are basically letters that do not belong to the vowels.

The consonants before the «k» are particularly common l, n, r and mas the following examples show you.

  • thank – after «n»
  • park – after «r»
  • remember – after «r»
  • sick – after «n»
  • Beekeeper – after «m»

A phrase to remind you that consonants are followed by a «k» is:

«After l, m, n and r, remember that, there is (never tz and) never ck!»

«k» before the stressed vowel

If a stressed vowel in a word does not come before the «k» sound, you always write a «k».

  • October – the accent is on the second «o» after the «k»,
  • chocolate – the emphasis is on the second «o» after the «k»,
  • Dictation – the stress is on the «a» after the «k»,
  • America – the stress is on the «a» after the «k».

«k» in foreign words

In foreign words that can be derived from other languages, you will usually not find a ck, but a k.

  • Article – derived from the Latin «articulus» (translated means «part»),
  • Doctor – derived from the Latin «doctor» (translated means «teacher»)
  • practical – derived from the Greek «prāktikós» (translated means «concerning action»).

Use of «ck»

There is one important rule for using «ck». Basically, you can remember that a word is spelled with «ck» if it sounds like it should be spelled with two «k», i.e. «kk».

«ck» with spoken «double k»

The word «dachshund» sounds like there are two K-sounds (pronounced «Dakkel»). In this case, however, «kk» is not written, but «ck».

There is a note for this:

If you hear a double k in the word, then always write a ck.

«ck» after a short vowel