The development of the breasts or breasts can be generated thanks to an imbalance between the levels of estrogen and testosterone. Both hormones are present in the male body and changes in their levels can lead to breast enlargement. Breast growth often goes away on its own or after the cause has been recognized and treated.
Surgical removal of excess breast tissue is effective but rarely accurate. Liposuction, a surgical technique that involves removing tissue through a suction tube inserted through a small incision, is the preferred surgical option and is sometimes followed by plastic surgery. Next we will see, apart from the options to eliminate male gynecomastia, how to detect this pathology through a simple procedure.
What you describe is called veridical gynecomastia, it starts in adolescence and increases. The only treatment there is surgery, you will have to proceed to a professional who rules out that you have any treatable cause, since there are several organic causes that can cause the breast to expand in a man and if there is no cause. The treatment is surgical, you have to remove that breast tissue. The results are great and you gain a lot in quality of life by seeing it resolved.
normal nipples
Gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia can be distinguished with the naked eye, since breasts with adipomastia, when fat accumulates in them, tend to be soft, while breasts with gynecomastia to the touch are much harder. This first pathology is much easier to eliminate, in less advanced stages, through physical exercise and healthy nutrition. However, the second is somewhat more difficult since its definitive treatment needs to go through the operating room.
However, subjects suffering from gynecomastia should not worry as surgery provides a safe, efficient and definitive solution. If you are thinking of correcting your gynecomastia in Barcelona, there are specialized cosmetic surgery clinics such as the doctor Oscar Junco medical center. This specialist belongs to the most reputable plastic surgery experts in this country, with a long history in corrective breast surgery. At Dr. Junco’s center they practice a wide variety of aesthetic procedures, among which gynecomastia stands out. Depending on the type of this, and after a diagnosis, the techniques can be from liposuction to a mastectomy. What needs to be done is an adequate assessment and a diagnosis to be able to give you the appropriate treatment.
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“The results of this procedure are significant and permanent. If the patient’s expectations are realistic, the changes will be good and he will be satisfied with his new appearance”, concludes Dr. Junco. This correction can be done with local anesthesia and sedation, although, in cases where the corrections are very extensive, general anesthesia is recommended. If there are no hormonal imbalances, the only discomfort they can cause is cosmetic. It is recommended that, if they want to be removed, it is carried out using non-aggressive methods, such as depilatory tweezers, and those that are aggressive and have the possibility of causing burns or cuts, such as blades, are avoided.
We will also observe it increased in the Tuberous Breasts as we saw in the relevant section. The reduction is done through surgery with a periareolar scar. It is essential to be able to correct symmetry with the contralateral in case the absence is unilateral.
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If this is your case, and you tried everything to reduce the size of your breasts without success, the solution is male gynecomastia surgery. You may choose to have nipple-sparing surgery, which is a variation of a skin-sparing mastectomy. With it, the breast tissue is removed, but the skin and the nipple remain in their corner, so there is the option of later rebuilding a cancer-free breast. This procedure is a more common option for women who have a small, early-stage cancer near the outside of the breast, without any signs of cancer on the skin or near the nipple, and for women with small to medium-sized breasts. The areolas have hair follicles, so it is quite normal for most women to find that they have hair growing around them.
Symptoms Of Gynecomastia
Other forms of suction are breast pumps or performing a vacuum with a syringe to which we have cut the tip. It usually occurs in Polandal Syndrome as in athelia, so it may be related to modifications in the upper extremity. Boys sometimes develop temporary breast enlargement during puberty.
It can be congenital or manifest secondary to pregnancy or lactation. The skin of the areola is thinner than that of the rest of the breast, so an increase in the size of the breast can cause an increase in the size of the PDA. In your case, it is a requirement to see an Endocrinologist, so that he can confirm that it is certainly a gynecomastia and carry out the pertinent study to rule out any disease. As you have seen, there are many different types of nipples that no two are the same, even sometimes on the same body. There are also different shades of nipples, as many as skin tones, although the tone of the nipples tends to be some shades much darker than that of the areola and the rest of the body.