Why do some people have a small hole in their ear?

From a purely visual point of view, it could also be the remains of a piercing that does not want to grow together. However, the small holes, which are the subject of this article, develop before birth. A so-called ear fistula usually occurs on one side, roughly speaking between the temple and the auricle. But what is she looking for? FITBOOK explains what’s behind it and why the rare hole in the ear sometimes has to be removed.

At the ear fistula (Technical term: preauricular sinus) it is a real rarity. According to specialist literature (e.g. Sinus Reference), only between 0.1 and 0.9 percent of the European and American population have an ear fistula. Ear fistula is more common in Asia and Africa. If it occurs unilaterally, as in more than half of the cases, it is usually an accidental malformation in the embryonic state. Small holes in both ears are often hereditary.

Ear fistulas are slightly more common in women than in menPhoto: AdamMichaels784/CC4.0/wikimedia

Theories and myths about ear fistulas

keyword hereditary. Many an evolutionary biologist assumes that the ear fistula is a remnant of human development. Comparable to the coccyx, in the place of which a tail grew in primeval times. The holes in the ears are said to resemble the gills that molluscs and fish have to breathe.

It is possible that this is just a misunderstanding or a translation error. The only thing that is certain is that ear fistulas develop due to the spread of germs between the «gill arches». And humans also have gill arches in their very early development. These are gill-like formations of folds in the embryonic period.

Inflamed ear fistulas and cysts

In any case, the presence of an ear fistula is not automatically a health problem, but it can provide indications of one. Ear fistulas are often only noticed due to possible inflammation. These show up with redness, among other things, but can also secrete a purulent secretion. Conservative local treatment is usually with an antibiotic ointment.

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In some cases, an ear fistula is the end of the road. For example, when the fistula that is visible from the outside is connected to a sinus duct that extends into the inside of the ear. For example, the «ENT doctors online» report ear cysts (cysts are small fluid-filled cavities) that can lead to abscesses – with unexpectedly far-reaching consequences. According to the gill theory, the non-visible part of the «ear-throat fistula» can extend into the lateral region of the neck. An infection can thus affect the parotid glands and the facial nerve. This is responsible for all facial muscles.

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Sometimes the ear fistula has to be removed

, it is said in “ENT doctors on the internet”. The recommendation is therefore to show every ear fistula to an expert, i.e. even if there are no symptoms, in order to avoid possible later complications.