Why do some people have a pointed Adam’s apple?

Without the Adam’s apple, speaking and eating would be torture. The protrusion in the throat regulates and protects. Women also have thyroid cartilage.

The Adam’s apple is the sharp protrusion in the throat. In men, it jumps up and down when swallowing and speaking – sometimes more, sometimes less. In women, the Adam’s apple is usually not visible. But they also have a comparable area in the larynx. However, it is rather blunt and can only be felt on the female neck.

How did the «Adam’s apple» get its name?

The term «Adam’s apple» alludes to the biblical story of the fall. When Adam bit into the apple from the tree of knowledge, according to old folk belief, the bite got stuck in his throat. Once nibbled at the forbidden fruit, the man is forever marked with the sharp edge. This is of course a myth, which is also somewhat limping. Because Adam also means “man” in Hebrew. In medicine, completely different reasons are given for the formation of the Adam’s apple.

Why do men have a pointed Adam’s apple?

In childhood, the neck in girls and boys usually looks the same. The external appearance changes with the onset of puberty. The hormone testosterone is then released in spurts in boys. Among other things, this causes greater growth of the larynx and vocal cords.

That’s why boys’ voices break at this stage in their lives. The vocal folds grow and lengthen, causing them to vibrate more slowly. As a result, the tone of the voice becomes darker. Until it has stabilized in the lower register, the voice of pubescent boys can «squeak» up and down from time to time. It seems like the voice is breaking. Hence the term «voice break». These voice fluctuations are due to the irregular growth of the larynx.

What are the larynx and Adam’s apple for?

The Adam’s apple is a bulge on the thyroid cartilage, the largest cartilage in the larynx. Without it, eating would be an agonizing affair. Because the larynx not only protects the vocal cords. It also separates the entrance of the esophagus from that of the trachea.

Without an Adam’s apple, even speaking would be pretty tedious. Because it is considered a so-called «buttress» for the vocal muscles. These muscles of the speech apparatus must be adequately restrained. If they were too soft, we wouldn’t be able to speak properly. The abutment Adam’s apple regulates the muscle forces in the speech apparatus.

Does the Adam’s apple have other functions? No, says Dr. Alexander Mainka. He is senior consultant at the clinic for audiology and phoniatrics at the Charité in Berlin. “The thyroid cartilage ensures that the functions of the larynx, i.e. breathing, vocalization and swallowing, run smoothly. There is no additional function of the upper, central part of this cartilage, the so-called «Adam’s apple».

Can the Adam’s apple get sick?

Diseases of the Adam’s apple are very rare. In principle, mostly benign tumors can occur on the thyroid cartilage. Diseases of the larynx itself, on the other hand, occur more frequently and usually affect the mucous membrane, nerves or muscles. Florian Kiefer is a professor and specialist in internal medicine, endocrinology and metabolism in Vienna. He explains: “One of the most common diseases in the area of ​​​​the Adam’s apple is inflammation of the larynx, also known as laryngitis. This can be triggered by viruses or bacteria, for example, but also by strong reflux. This is the reflux of stomach acid. Typical complaints are hoarseness, difficulty swallowing and pain in the area.”

To be sure what the patient is suffering from, the larynx is examined from the inside with a small, tube-shaped camera. Very similar to a gastroscopy. And then? Kiefer explains: “Treatment depends on the cause, basically the voice should be spared and smoking should be avoided. Antibiotics can be used for bacterial infections. If reflux is the cause, acid blockers can be used.”

Laryngeal cancer can also occur as a result of other diseases, especially in smokers. If swelling appears below the Adam’s apple, a possible thyroid disease should be clarified. Such a goiter is not always discovered immediately, because it can grow painlessly over a long period of time.

Tracheotomy for injuries to the Adam’s apple

Accidents and physical attacks, for example a blow to the larynx, sometimes cause serious injuries to the Adam’s apple and larynx. If this narrows the airways, it can be life-threatening. As an emergency measure, artificial respiration is then given and the injury is treated surgically.

Professor Kiefer: «The thyroid cartilage also plays an important role in the tracheotomy, which is done in an emergency when there is an acute risk of suffocation. This is because the membrane between the thyroid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage of the larynx is opened with a scalpel so that a ventilation tube can be inserted.”

Can women have a big Adam’s apple too?

As mentioned at the beginning, women also have a thyroid cartilage – you could call it the «Eve’s apple». In most women, this is hardly visible, the reason is the shape of the neck. Mainka from the Charité explains: «The essential gender-typical difference consists in the relief-forming property for the neck contour. In men this is present, in women the upper, central part of the thyroid cartilage is typically not relief-forming.”

In some women, however, the thyroid cartilage is more pronounced than in others. Hormones also play a role here. A visible Adam’s apple is not usually unhealthy in women, but it can sometimes pose an aesthetic problem.

The Adam’s apple cannot be made smaller again with the administration of special hormones. In the case of great mental stress, however, an operative change is possible under certain circumstances. This would also be an option for male-to-female transsexuals in the context of gender reassignment, for example.

Large Adam’s Apple, Increased Libido?

The question of all questions: does a stately Adam’s apple indicate that a man has the best piece of equipment? Or could the libido be increased? The question is not entirely out of the question. Because the Adam’s apple develops under the influence of male hormones, especially testosterone. According to Florian Kiefer, these hormones are very important for libido and reproduction.

The Adam’s apple is also referred to as a secondary sexual characteristic, as is typical male body hair. «In this way, a small Adam’s apple or a lack of a voice break can indicate a lack of testosterone production in boys during puberty. However, a direct connection between the size of the Adam’s apple and the size of the male reproductive organ is not known,» explains Florian Kiefer.