Where did the first inns arise? –

Where did the first inns arise?

Anthropologist Fernando Híjar commented that the tradition of posadas arose with the arrival of the Spaniards in Mexico, where the religious in charge of the evangelization of the people replaced the cult of the god of war with the European practice of preparing for Christmas, the inns.

When do the posadas start in December 2020?

On Saturday, December 12, which starts on the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Guadalupe-Reyes marathon begins and ends on Three Kings’ Day, the marathon includes the Christmas posadas, which are from December 16 to 24, on Christmas Eve.

When do the posadas arrive in Brazil?

The first inns arrived in Brazil in the 16th century, with the arrival of Christianity, the Catholic Church and its traditions. Among the Christian traditions are «Las posadas» that correspond to celebrations that start from December 16 to 24.

When did the Christmas celebrations begin in Mexico?

The 1st Mexican Christmas was, according to historical chronicles, in 1526 and has a name as the protagonist that of the Franciscan missionary, Fray Pedro de Gante who came to write to the King of Spain, Carlos V about this celebration with the indigenous people in Mexico.

How was the first Christmas in Mexico?

According to experts, the first recorded Christmas in Mexico dates back to 1526, when Fray Pedro de Gante, a Franciscan missionary sent to the country to evangelize the indigenous people, wrote to King Carlos V recounting how the indigenous carried out the celebration.

How is the first Christmas celebrated in Mexico?

According to historical sources, the first Christmas took place in the San Francisco temple (where the Torre Latinoamericana stands today). It was there that the dances and songs devised by De Gante were presented.

How does Christmas begin?

The origin of this Christmas custom dates back to the Romans when, at Saturnalia, they also exchanged gifts with each other. As the Bible indicates, at the moment that the Magi offer gifts to the baby Jesus, it is what Christmas should really be: a date to make offerings to Christ.

How is December 24 celebrated in Mexico?

In Mexico it is a tradition that families get together on December 24. On this date the last posada is celebrated, so the litanies are sung, the piñata is broken and bonuses are given.

What pagan holiday is celebrated on December 25?

The Romans celebrated on December 25 the festival of Natalis Solis Invicti or Birth of the Unconquered Sun, associated with the birth of Apollo. December 25 was considered the day of the winter solstice, and which the Romans called mist; when Julius Caesar introduced his calendar in 45 B.C.