When did the Brainly Hellenistic civilization come to an end?
Answer: The Hellenistic civilization came to an end in the 1st century BC when Rome conquered.
How did the elastic civilization come to an end?
Response. from the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC) and the voluntary death of the last Hellenistic sovereign, Cleopatra VII of Egypt, and lover Mark Antony, after his defeat at the Battle of Actius (31 BC).
What was the Hellenistic era?
It is called the Hellenistic period, Hellenism or Alexandrian period (by Alexander the Great) to a historical stage of Antiquity whose chronological limits are marked by two important political events: the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC)
What gave rise to the Hellenistic civilization?
The fact that gave rise to the Hellenistic civilization faith the establishment of the Hellenic kings. Among the aspects that favored this society was the development of philosophy, science, history, architecture, literature, arts, mathematics and astronomy.
Where and when did the Hellenistic civilization originate?
It is known as the Hellenistic period, Hellenism or Alexandrian period to a stage of Antiquity that occupies the transition between the decline of Classical Greece and the emergence of Roman power that will lead to the Empire. This stage is between the years of 323 a. C. and 30 a.
Why was the Hellenistic civilization an important promoter of culture?
The Hellenistic civilization was an important promoter of culture because: It was a civilization that developed philosophy and thought, culture is promoted here. They developed their political system, especially democracy. They developed literature, in this aspect they had a great impact on culture.
Why is it called Hellenic culture?
Hellenism is a term that refers to Greek culture. Hellenism arises after the political decline of Athens and other poleis (the word poleis is the correct plural of polis, «city-state» in Greek) and the supremacy of Macedonia that dominates them. …
What was the most important thing Alexander the Great did?
He created one of the largest empires in the ancient world, stretching from present-day Greece to India (including Egypt). . He unified the West and the East (the Greek and Persian empire) under a single mandate, language, and currency.
What historical event led to the end of the Hellenistic civilization?
Explanation: The defeat of Antiochus was decisive in the loss of political influence of the Seleucids in Central Asia, in Persia and finally in Mesopotamia.
Why was the fusion between Greek and Eastern culture important?
Response. Answer: For Alexander the Great, the fusion between Greek and Eastern culture was important, because this was a strategy to maintain power in the territories recently conquered by him. Alexander the Great promoted in various ways the fusion of Greek culture and that of the East, such as the Persian.
How has Greek culture influenced the West?
The art and architecture of ancient Greece had a great influence on Western art until today, as it is part of its cultural legacy. Byzantine art and Byzantine architecture played an important role in early Christianity, and an influence remains on the nations.
What were the main cities in Hellenism?
The main cities of the Hellenistic world were Pergamum and Antioch, in Asia Minor, and especially Alexandria, in Egypt Docs.
What is Hellenism and its characteristics?
The term Hellenism designates the time of classical antiquity or Ancient Age in which, after the expeditions and conquests of Alexander the Great and his early death, the dissolution of the Greek polis took place, while a process of diffusion and appropriation began. of Hellenic culture.