What is the postal code of the Libertador Caracas municipality? –

What is the postal code of the Libertador Caracas municipality?

Libertador Municipality of Caracas

Bolivarian Libertador Municipality of Caracas • Density 4489.38 inhabitants/km² Time zone UTC−4 Postal code 1010-A Telephone prefix 0212

Where to look for postal codes?

To know the postal code of your place of residence, all you have to do is enter Google Maps. When you have done it, click on the place you want until the red marker comes out. You will notice that, below the map, a lot of information appears.

What is the postal code of Venezuela Wikipedia?

In Venezuela 100.00. Some examples of postal codes would be: 1204 (San Antonio de Los Altos, Los Salias Municipality, Miranda State) and 8051 (San Félix, Caroní Municipality, Bolívar State).

What is the postal code of the San Juan parish?

ZIP Code 1020

state municipality parish Libertador Capital District San Juan Libertador Capital District San Juan Libertador Capital District San Juan Libertador Capital District San Juan

What is the state of the Libertador municipality?

The municipality of Libertador Located in the state of the Metropolitan District of Caracas, Libertador is a municipality whose area, population, altitude and other important information is provided below.

What are the limits of the Libertador municipality?

The municipality is made up of 22 parishes: 1. It limits to the north with the Cathedral and Candelaria parishes; to the south with the Parroquia el Valle; to the east it limits with the parishes of San Agustín and San Pedro and to the west with the parishes of Santa Teresa, El Paraíso and La Vega. two.

How to know a postal code in Chile?

The Chilean postal code system is made up of 7 numbers, the first three digits correspond to the commune. and the remaining four to the block….For example:

  1. Santiago postal code: 832 0000.
  2. Valparaiso postal code: 234 0000.
  3. Postal code of Concepcion: 403 0000.
  4. Postal code of Antofagasta: 124 0000.

How do I know what my postal code is in Chile?

– Instructions Online procedure Once on the CorreosChile website, write the commune, street and number you wish to consult, click on “I am not a robot” and then on “search”. As a result of the procedure, you will obtain the postal code of a certain property.

What is the postal code for Venezuela?

State Urbanization or ZIP Code Capital District Barrio Alfredo Rojas (Caracas) 1020 Capital District Barrio Altos de Cútira (Caracas) 1030 Capital District Barrio Altos de Lídice (Caracas) 1010 Capital District Barrio Anauco (Caracas) 1010

What is the postal code of San Juan de los Morros?

San Juan de Los Morros/Zip codes
The city of San Juan de Los Morros, in the Juan Germán Roscio municipality, state of Guárico has a single assigned ZIP Code and it is 2301.