What is the name of Oedipus’s mother? –

What is the name of Oedipus’s mother?

As a reward, Oedipus is named king and marries Laius’s widow, Jocasta, his real mother.

What happened after Oedipus went blind?

When Oedipus learns of his tragic destiny, he removes his eyes with his own hands and exiles himself from the city, hand in hand with one of his daughters, Antigone, who will not abandon him until his death. It is worth mentioning that exile was a maximum penalty in Ancient Greece, a penalty considered in itself as death.

What does Jocasta say about the prophecies after learning of Polybus’s death?

Response. Answer: Jocasta was the wife of Laius, king of Thebes. According to custom, Layo consults the gods about the fate they hold for his son, and the oracle only says that this son will kill him. Then the oracle tells him that he will kill his father and take his mother as his wife.

What is Jocasta’s final destination?

After Oedipus had defeated the Sphinx that devastated Thebes, the widow Jocasta married him, who was unaware of his true origin, and had four children: Polyneices, Eteocles, Ismene and Antigone. Later, Jocasta learned that her husband was actually her son. She therefore committed suicide.

What happened to Jocasta after learning the terrible truth?

He asks Oedipus which is the being that walks on four feet in the morning, on two at noon and on three at night. Some time later the blind seer Tiresias reveals to Jocasta and Oedipus the terrible truth. Overwhelmed with grief and shame, Jocasta commits suicide by hanging herself by the neck, and Oedipus gouges out his eyes.

When does Jocasta realize that Oedipus is her son?

When Yocasta finds out that Oedipus is actually her son, she kills herself, hanging herself in the palace. Horrified, Oedipus removes his eyes with the brooches on Jocasta’s dress and leaves the throne of Thebes, escaping into exile.

Why does Tiresias claim that he also has the power of a king?

Due to his visions of the future and how he influenced the decisions of kings and rulers of Ancient Greece, Tiresias considered himself as powerful as a king. In Greek mythology, he was never wrong in his claims, although he did not reveal everything he saw either.

What answer does Tiresias give about the murder of King Laius?

Poor Tiresias has only one sentence left to reply to the king: «I let you know, since you call me blind, that you do see a lot, but you do not see what evils you are in, nor where you live, nor with whom you live. ».

Who is Tiresias and what does he have to say to Oedipus?

Tiresias is a soothsayer who appears in all the mythological fragments related to Thebes, from the time of Cadmus to the expedition of the Epigones: it was Tiresias who advised that the throne of the city be handed over to the victor of the Sphinx and, later, his revelations will lead Oedipus to discover the…

Who is Tiresias advising Creon?

Tiresias: He is an old blind fortuneteller who advises Creon and warns him of his mistakes and possible reprisals. Guardian: he is the man who takes Antigone to testify before the king.

What does Tiresias prophesy will happen?

26) What does Tiresias prophesy will happen? He prophesies the death of one of his close ones in no time.

What values ​​does Antigona reflect?

The main values ​​within the “Antigone” Work are that of one’s own thinking and responsibility for the decisions made.

What does Antigone represent and what Creon?

In Greek mythology, Creon (Κρέων) is a character belonging to the Theban cycle. He is a prominent character in the tragedy Antigone, by Sophocles. In this play, Creon is regent of the city of Thebes after the death of the two legitimate claimants to the throne, Eteocles and Polyneices, the sons of Oedipus.

What is the importance of Antigone?

«The wonderful thing about Antígona is that she fights for her right to express herself and to tell the story from her point of view. That is why, for me, his challenge to the State or to power is important because we usually only hear the story from the perspective of the strong, the victorious or the authorities ».

How is power manifested in Antigone?

Antigone faces two notions of power and duty: that of the family, characterized by respect for religious norms, and civil and political power, characterized by compliance with the laws of the state.