What is the longitude and latitude of Paris?
Paris is located at latitude 48.85341 and longitude 2.3488. It is part of the continent of Europe and is located in the northern hemisphere.
What is the relative position of France?
What is known as continental France is located in the western part of the European continent, in turn this country limits to the south with the Mediterranean Sea, as well as with the principality of Monaco, and with Italy, while to the west the natural border is the Atlantic Ocean, while to the north it borders the …
What is the altitude of Paris?
What are the coordinates of Greece?
Greece is located at latitude 39.074208 and longitude 21.824312.
What are the coordinates of Athens?
Athens Αθήνα Athens Location of Athens in Europe Coordinates 37°59′03″N 23°43′41″ECoordinates: 37°59′03″N 23°43′41″E Entity Capital of Greece • Country Greece
What are the coordinates of Egypt?
Latitude and longitude of Egypt
System Latitude Longitude Standard single decimal 26.820553 30.802498 Decimal Degrees (GD) 26.8206° N 30.8025° E Decimal Degrees and Minutes (GMD) 26°49.233′ N 30°48.15′ E Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (GMS) 26°49’14» N 30°48’9» E
What are the coordinates of Nigeria?
Nigeria is located at latitude 9.081999 and longitude 8.675277.
What is the latitude and longitude of the State of Mexico?
The State of Mexico is located in the central zone of the Mexican Republic, in the eastern part of the Anahuac plateau and is geographically located between parallels 18º 21′ and 20º 17′ north latitude and 98º 36′ and 100º 36′ north latitude. west longitude, at a height of 2,683 meters above sea level, on its highest plain…
How to get the coordinates?
How to get the coordinates of a place
- Open Google Maps on your computer.
- Right-click on the location or area on the map.
- Select the latitude and longitude. This will copy the coordinates automatically.
What is the longitude of Mexico City?
The Federal District, located in the so-called Valley of Mexico, has extreme coordinates ranging from 19º 03′ to 19º 36′ north latitude and from 98º 57′ to 99º 22′ west longitude.
How to read extreme coordinates?
Degrees, minutes and seconds: 36º 55′ 10” N 2º 56′ 55” W. Degrees and minutes with decimals: 36º 55.16′ N 2º 56.91′ W. Degrees with decimals: 36.92º N 2.94º W. North and East with values positive, South and West with negative values, so as not to have to indicate the cardinal point.
How do you read coordinates on a graph?
Coordinates are always written in the same order: horizontal direction first, then vertical. This is called an «ordered pair». Example: (0.5) means 0 units to the right and 5 above.
What are the coordinates of the cities?
The geographical coordinates of the main cities of the world are:
- London, England (51° 30′ 30″ N; 0° 7′ 32″ W)
- Berlin, Germany (52° 31′ 28″ N; 13° 24′ 38″ E)
- Paris, France (48° 51′ 12″ N; 02° 20′ 56″ E)
- Madrid, Spain (40° 24′ 59″ N; 03° 42′ 09″ W)
What are coordinates of Mexico?
The extreme coordinates that frame the Mexican territory are: North: 32° 43´ 06´´ north latitude, at Monument 206, on the border with the United States of America (3 152.90 kilometers). South: 14° 32´ 27´´ north latitude, at the mouth of the Suchiate River, border with Guatemala (1 149.8 kilometers).