What is the comparative of Bad?
The theory
superlative comparative adjective good better the best bad worse the worst
What is the superlative of Good?
Adverb Comparative Superlative badly worse worst far farther/further farthest/furthest little less least well better best
What are irregular comparatives?
Irregular adjectives are those that do not form the comparative and the superlative in the same way as the others. There are no specific rules for these verbs, so you have to learn them by heart. Luckily, there are very few of them, and we usually only use two of them.
When to use Bad and worst?
The intensity scale of the word is: bad – worse – worst. Worst is the worst and worse is worse than worse.
What is the superlative of Bad?
The comparative adjective of bad in English is worse and the superlative, the worst.
What is the superlative form of Bad?
irregular comparatives and superlatives
Comparative Adjectives Superlatives good better best bad worse worst little less least much more most
What is the comparative of Big?
one syllable adjectives
Comparative Adjective Superlative tall taller tallest fat fatter fattest big bigger biggest sad sadder saddest
What is the comparison of Wonderful?
Long adjectives
Adjective Comparative Adjective dangerous more dangerous beautiful more beautiful frightening more frightening wonderful more wonderful
What is the comparative and superlative of Shy?
Positive Comparative Superlative shy shyer shier more shy shyest shiest most shy
What is the superlative of Hot in English?
Rules to form the comparative and the superlative in English
Adjective Comparative Superlative Hot Hotter Hottest Big Bigger Biggest Wet Wetter Wettest Sad Sadder Saddest
What is the comparison of Famous?
Positive Comparative Superlative famous more famous most famous
What is the comparative and superlative of Near?
List of Comparatives and Superlatives of Common English Adjectives
Comparative Adjective Superlative clean cleaner cleanest clear clear clearest clever cleverer cleverest close closer closest
What is the superlative of Near?
Positive Comparative Superlative near nearer nearest
What is the comparative and superlative of Modern?
Long Adjectives – Comparative and Superlative Formation
Long Adjectives Comparative more + adj modern modern more modern more modern beautiful beautiful more beautiful more beautiful elegant elegant more elegant more elegant interesting interesting more interesting more interesting
What is the comparative and superlative of Colourful?
Response. Answer: COMPARATIVE: slimer than, more beautiful than, more curious than, more colorful than, newer than. SUPERLATIVE: The slimest, The most beautiful, The most curious, The most colorful, The newest.
How is Colorful in comparison?
Sally’s blue uniform is more colorful than Jan’s pink uniform. (Sally’s blue uniform is more colorful than Jan’s pink uniform.)
What is the comparative of Busy?
busier – Spanish translation – Linguee.
What is the superlative of networking?
Audio lesson 13 of EnglishPositives, comparatives and superlatives in English
THOSE (dous) Those / Those RED (red) Red BLUE (blu) Blue BROWN (braun) Brown GRAY (grei) Gray
What are superlative adjectives in English?
Adjectives in the superlative degree The superlative is used to describe an object that is at the upper or lower end of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest).
What are comparatives and superlatives in English?
Two-syllable adjectives can form the comparative by adding -er, like one-syllable adjectives, or by placing more in front of the adjective, like three-syllable adjectives. Similarly, these adjectives can form the superlative by adding the ending -est or putting most before the adjective.
What is superlative and comparative examples?
Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun….Irregular adjectives.
Adjective Comparative Superlative Bad (bad) worse (peor) the worst (el peor) Good (bueno) better (mejor) the best (el mejor) Little (poco) less (menos) the least (lo mínimum) Much (mucho) more (more) the most (the maximum)
What is the comparative of Easy?
Positive Comparative Superlative easy easier more easy easiest most easy
What are superlative sentences?
When we speak of superlatives, we refer to the extreme gradation of a quality (both in a lower and higher sense). Within a sentence, it is also used to compare an object within or with a group of child objects. Subject + verb + «the» + superlative conjugated adjective + object.
What is a comparative examples?
The comparative tanto + noun + como is used to indicate equality in an affirmative sentence, inequality in a negative sentence. Examples: Luis has three brothers; John has three brothers. Juan has as many brothers as Luis.
What is the comparative in Spanish?
A comparative adjective is an adjective that expresses a comparison of qualities between two items. Certain adverbs also allow comparison. Comparative of equality: in Spanish, as «
When do we use a comparative?
The comparative is used to make comparisons between two things. The comparative in English has two forms, one for long adjectives and one for short adjectives.
What is a comparative and what is it used for?
Comparative, on the other hand, is what allows a comparison to be made (the discovery of similarities and differences between various elements based on their analysis or observation). A comparison chart, therefore, is a graphical tool used for comparison.