What is the age of the earth? What are black holes like? Can you travel through them? There are many times that in Super curious We have wondered about the universe. This time we want to talk to you about its origin, the big Bang Theory.
The expression «big Bang” means Big Bang. Approximately 15 billion years ago, a large explosion occurred that released enough matter to cause the Universe.
According to this theory, everything that exists was once concentrated in a smaller point in dimensions than an atom and, when the burstreleased an impressive amount of energy. From this initial explosion, the Universe began to cool and expand, until ten million years later they would have cooled enough to allow the formation of atoms which later joined together, thus forming the first galaxies.
From this possible revelation, it is estimated that when the Universe fulfills its expansion cycle it could contract and everything would begin again. The famous big Bang Theory It is defended by the vast majority of professionals and scientists, with the aim of explaining the creation of the world because it is the one that best fits with observations of reality itself.
The first discoveries
He first indication was obtained from a fundamental discovery made by Edwin Hubblein the year 1929, which proves that galaxies are moving away from us. Hubble managed to demonstrate experimentally that the light that comes from the distant galaxies is modified into lengths of lower wavesimilar to how the noise of a car sounds less frequently as it moves away.
According to these studies carried out by Edwin Hubbles, all the great objects of the universe they’re putting away to high speed from each other, in the same way that the fruits of any sweet bread separate from each other when the dough rises. Later, towards the end of the 40s, the Russian physicist George Gamorv who resided and worked in the United States, raised the thesis that if a large explosion had occurred at a certain point in the Universeit should have caused a hot radiation that cooled down with the passage of time.
This proposition received the support of several scientists even to this day. Although there is general agreement regarding the big Bang Theorysome astronomers still wonder what the true age of the Universe: They estimate that it was born between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago.
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