What is Smodin me and what is it used for? –

What is Smodin me and what is it used for?

Our tool is more than just a spinner that uses a thesaurus to change synonyms. Smodin.me has created an API that will maintain the synthetic nature of the text being rewritten, but using the strongest power will often rearrange the sentence with the context intact.

How can a text be modified?

How do we edit a text in Microsoft Word?

  1. Select the text to edit.
  2. Without removing the selection that was made to the text (it must have a blue color above it), choose the change to make.
  3. Click on the icon of the element to change: font size, font, color, etc.

What does it mean to modify a text?

From the French éditer, edit is a verb that refers to publishing a work through a printing press or through other mechanisms. This double use of the concept can lead to confusion, since editing is also the correction of a text and its adaptation to certain style standards. …

How can you edit a text in Word?

Remember, to edit a document in Word for the web, click Edit DocumentWord for the webEdit in Word for the web….Edit a document in Word for the web

  1. Add tables and images.
  2. Apply styles.
  3. Adjust the format.
  4. Edit headers and footers.

How to modify a PDF document online?

How to edit a PDF file online:

  1. Drag and drop your PDF document into the PDF Editor.
  2. Add text, images, shapes, or freehand annotations as you like.
  3. You can also edit the size, font and color of the added content.
  4. Click “Apply”, save your changes and download your edited PDF.

What is a paraphrased sentence?

Paraphrasing consists of expressing the contents of a text in one’s own words and with organization, continuity and coherence, characteristics that the thought and the main contents proposed by the author must present.

How to paraphrase a text for elementary school children?

Give oral and written models of paraphrasing. To do this, you read a sentence or paragraph and then say and write it in your own words. 2. Introduce your students to sentences, very short and meaningful texts for them and invite them to write their paraphrases.

What are links and examples?

Links are, in grammar, all those words that are used to link words or sentences. Links have the particularity that they lack meaning by themselves and are invariable words. For example: but, that is, although.