What is my Zip Code Quinta Normal?
The postal code of Quinta Normal is 8500000. This commune is located in the Province of Santiago, in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago.
What is the postal code of Chile Santiago 2022?
The postal code of Santiago is 8320000. This commune is located in the Province of Santiago, in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago.
What is the postal code of the metropolitan region?
Postal Codes of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago
Commune Province Zip Code Santiago Santiago 8320000 Vitacura Santiago 7630000 El Monte Talagante 9810000 Isla de Maipo Talagante 9790000
What does the zip code look like?
Find the Postal Code of any population in Mexico Enter the name of the population or neighborhood followed by the municipality and the state separated by commas (Do not write accents) and click on «Search Postal Code» or choose from the options that appear and click Click on «Search» to obtain the Postal Code.
How to know the postal code of my residence in Chile?
How and where do I apply?
- Once on the CorreosChile website, write the commune, street and number you want to consult, click on «I’m not a robot» and then on «search».
- As a result of the procedure, you will obtain the postal code of a certain property.
What is the postal code of Chile Santiago Peñalolen?
Peñalolén/Zip codes
How do I know what the postal code of my city is?
Step by step to know your postal code online
- Go to viewer.codigopostal.gov.co.
- Write your home or office address.
- Select your department, municipality or city.
- Click ‘Search’ and the GPS will locate to the address you typed.
- At the end you will find the exact code of this location.
What is the ZIP Code for Prado?
Communal codes
Commune/town Code Lo Prado 8980000 Lolol 3140000 Loncoche 4970000 Longaví 3620000
How do I know what my postal code is?
The postal code is the result of dividing the cities and the country into zones in which each one has an assigned number that must be attached to a home address. Thus, for example, the Bogotá address: Calle 93B #13 – 47, with the postal code for delivery of goods would be: Calle 93B #13 – 47 CP 110221.
How to know the postal code of my house in Chile?
What should be put in postal address?
Recipient details (name and surname, company name, etc.) Address (type of road, road name, number, floor, stairs, etc.) Zip code and town. Province and country (this last data only in international shipments and is preferable in capital letters).