What is an industrial pantograph? –

What is an industrial pantograph?

What is an industrial pantograph? Pantographs are articulated cutting mechanisms, which have several connected rods that move with respect to a fixed point. They are called that because of the shape of the machine and the way they cut or engrave, which can be by plasma or oxyfuel.

What is a pantograph and what is it used for?

A pantograph is an articulated instrument used in drawing that allows you to copy drawings at different scales and increase or reduce their size as desired. The wooden pantograph is the most common and is very useful for reproducing maps, drawings or plans, among others, at various scales.

What is the use of the pantograph?

The drawing pantograph is a drawing apparatus whose principle is to use a guide image in order to enlarge it. Generally used in architecture, it consists of a pivot and a crossing of wooden or metal rods. Changing the reference pointer to the copy point reproduces the image at a smaller scale.

What is a three-dimensional pantograph?

Pantographs are articulated cutting mechanisms which have several connected rods that move with respect to a fixed point. 3D pantographs have greater reproducibility and volume of work thanks to their computer development. …

What does pantograph mean?

1m Instrument used to copy, enlarge or reduce a plan or drawing.

How does a CNC pantograph work?

A cnc Pantograph is a machine that, using computer software, is capable of transferring a cutting pattern to a sheet of metal material, using the plasma cutting system. Plasma cutting is a technology developed to cut steel and other metals using a plasma torch.

What types of pantographs are there?

In general there are three types of pantographs that work with plasma cutters, each one is designed for cutting different materials in varying precisions.

  • Standard CNC pantograph.
  • High definition CNC pantograph.
  • CNC laser cut pantograph.

How does a plasma cutting machine work?

Plasma cutting is a process that uses a nozzle, with a hole for the circulation of ionized gas at high temperature, in such a way that a beam is obtained that can be used to cut sections of metals such as carbon steel, steel stainless steel, aluminum and other conductive metals of the …

What are the parts of the pantograph?

Parts that compose it The pantograph consists of four parallel bars, two by two, articulated at points A, B, D and F. There is a fixed pivot at point O and the pencils are at F and C. When traveling along a line with the pencil F, the other pencil placed in C describes a similar line.

How to make a pantograph step by step?


  1. Corrugated cardboard (uses a pizza box, for example)
  2. 4 thumbtacks
  3. 1 drywall screw.
  4. A piece of wood two cm thick.
  5. 1 clove
  6. 1 cork (optional)
  7. Scotch tape.

Where can I buy a pantograph?

Where to buy a pantograph? At Dabo Stationery, Baco, Mesones Store, SIDECO, Olvera CNC Machines, Clas F and Vigari Stationery you will find various models of pantographs. You can even request personalized advice if you need it.

How does a railway pantograph work?

The pantograph consists of an articulated system that holds a bus bar, pressing it against the catenary, under which it slides. Such pantographs sometimes have flaps or special designs to control aerodynamic forces.

What is a pantograph in dentistry?

This instrument provides, in various registration tables, the exact path of the mandible during movements. A pantograph is made up of two components:  Mandibular, which is attached to the mandibular teeth and usually has six registration tables.

What is the Axiograph?

The word axiography has the meaning of «study of the three-dimensional movement of the condyle» and comes from the Latin axis = «axis» and the Greek -graphy = «quality of recording».

What is Disocclusion?

Strictly speaking, to disocclude is to separate the dental arches from their position of occlusion, that is, with the lower teeth contacting the upper ones. With certain movements of the mandible such as lateralization and protrusion movements, disocclusion of the posterior teeth normally occurs.

What types of articulators are there?

Types of dental articulators that exist

  • Non-adjustable articulators.
  • Semi-adjustable articulators.
  • ARCON articulators.
  • Non ARCON articulators.
  • Adjustable articulators.

What are semi-adjustable articulators?

Semi-adjustable Articulators They are capable of simulating condylar trajectories, using values ​​equivalent to those of the patient for almost all mandibular movements. We can divide them in turn into ARCON Articulators and NON-ARCON Articulators.

What does articulators mean?

Adjective. Articulator is understood as the one who articulates, unites, structures, organizes, couples, joins and links a piece or a bone to be able to move likewise the one who pronounces, emits, enunciates, speaks, stutters, declaims, spells and manifests in a clear and different way. .

What is the importance of semi-adjustable articulators?

Introduction: The use of semi-adjustable articulators allows a reproducible view of the jaws outside the mouth and provides knowledge of their behavior such as the existence of any discrepancy between centric relation and habitual occlusion.

What is the function of the articulators?

The articulators recreate, although they do not duplicate, all the bordering mandibular movements, so that their primary function is to act as if they were a patient in their absence, reproducing the mandibular dynamics at the condylar level and its relationship with the dental arches and the solid skull. -facial.

What is the importance of articulating the models in an articulator?

This work tool is necessary to know the type of occlusion, if there are premature points of contact, if there are interferences, to know the position of the condyle (only in special articulators) and ideally, all these treatments already mentioned should be articulated. …

How important is it to articulate the diagnostic models?

Using an articulator in the diagnostic process is of the utmost importance, since this instrument provides relevant information for decision-making in the formulation of the treatment plan during dental rehabilitation (1-4).

What is model mounting?

Upper cast mounting is a laboratory procedure that allows the upper cast to be transferred to the upper branch of the articulator. Thanks to the registration of the facial bow previously carried out, it is possible to transfer the spatial position of the maxilla with respect to the patient’s skull.

What are the materials needed to articulate?

Joints, particularly hinge joints such as the shoulder and knee, are complex structures made up of bone, muscle, synovial membrane, cartilage, and ligaments, which are designed to support weight and move the body through space.

What are the materials needed for dental articulation?

For this you need:

  • Turbine.
  • Micromotor with contra angle.
  • Oils to lubricate rotary instruments.
  • diagnostic games.
  • Milling cutters of different shapes and sizes (both for turbine and for micromotor).
  • Strawberry to store and sterilize them.

What implements exist in the market to carry out prophylaxis?

Instruments for carrying out dental prophylaxis

  • Personal protection elements: gown, hat, mask, gloves, eye protector.
  • Basic elements for the patient: Bib, ejector, cottons, napkins, cups.
  • Basic instruments: Mirror, explorer, teaspoon, cotton tweezer.

What are the types of dental materials?

Classification of dental biomaterials Most of the classifications are made based on their physical and chemical properties, and the use for which they are intended. On this occasion we are going to group them into four types: metals, polymers, ceramics and dental composites.