What is an advertising text and examples? –

What is an advertising text and examples?

An advertising text is a text that seeks to convince the recipient to buy a product or service. For example: Take Coca-Cola. The advertising text is usually accompanied by a graphic or audiovisual image that helps to capture the public’s attention.

What are the advertising texts?

An advertising text is a form of communication that attempts to attract the attention of the receivers and convince them to carry out a certain action, which is normally oriented towards the purchase of a product or service, but which can also seek to spread the values company, for example.

Where are the advertising texts used?

It is a resource that works to highlight, identify and promote the product or service with respect to other brands. This type of text has two very specific purposes: to issue information through which a product or service is made known and to stimulate the recipient to acquire it.

How to write an advertisement?

Process for writing an effective ad

  1. Decide how to address your customer.
  2. Show the transformation you will achieve in the client.
  3. Choose the hook that will make me want to buy.
  4. Graphic elements to maximize impact.
  5. Use the tools of persuasion.
  6. Psychological tricks to speed up the purchase decision.

How to make an advertising argumentative text?

In addition to taking into account each of these elements, to create a good advertising text you have to follow the following steps:

  1. Define the target audience.
  2. Study the target audience.
  3. Define a goal.
  4. Choose one or more channels.
  5. Start the creative process.
  6. Get to work.
  7. Check out!

What do secondary texts report in advertisements?

SECONDARY TEXT • Accompanying the slogan is usually broader and more detailed. Try to convince the reader that what is announced in the slogan is true, either by presenting the qualities of the product or by appealing to the instincts and emotions of the reader. Its length depends on the medium through which the announcement is broadcast.

What is the text in an advertisement?

The advertising text is a written content material that has the objective of spreading a message about a brand, a product or a service. When it comes to evoking feelings, persuading and charming, the art of writing and storytelling never goes out of style.

What is an advertising text and its characteristics?

An advertising text is one that seeks to convince the reader to perform a certain action. In general, advertising texts are usually accompanied by images and use a series of literary devices to attract the reader’s attention and be convincing.

What kind of language do the advertising texts use?

The advertising language is built on the basis of two registers: the iconic and the verbal, that is, the image and the word. Each of these registers has its own function. The iconic brings attraction, suggestion.

What is an advertising argumentative text?

An argumentative advertising text is one that presents a series of more or less rational arguments to convince the reader to carry out a certain action.

What is the purpose of banner ads?

The communicative purpose of the advertisement is to persuade and convince the consumer to acquire its products and all the symbolic apparatus that is promoted with them, a subject that has been expanded in the previous section.