What is a Shooting Star | Why do we make wishes?

Surely on more than one occasion you have seen a shooting star pass by and quickly thought of a wish. But, what is a shooting star? Why does this phenomenon happen? Why do we make wishes? At we have already addressed numerous Curiosities of the Universe questions previously; but today we want to focus on addressing all the mysteries about what a shooting star is.

Furthermore, to continue reflecting on the beauty of these stars and the universe in general, we suggest that after reading our article you take a look at this compilation of Phrases of Stars, as well as the Phrases of the Sky and the Phrases of the Universe, all of them spoken by great minds. You will love his reflections!

Discover what a Shooting Star is: everything you need to know

1. What is a shooting star?

To begin, we must specify that the term «shooting star» is a half-lie, since, although it is true that it is fleeting, it is not exactly a star (in this entry you can delve deeper into What Stars are). Shooting stars, also known as meteors, are small particles formed by remains of comets or remains of the formation of the solar system that have been left in space and that enter our atmosphere.

Normally, meteors or objects that enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up during their entry are made up of ice and dust. When they come into contact with the Earth’s atmosphere, they fragment, losing size as they release particles in their path. As These particles disintegrate due to the heat generated by the friction of the atmosphere at high speeds.it is possible to see a trail of light and smoke in its wake.

Our planet is visited day after day by thousands of «meteorites» of different sizes., but it does not have to alarm us, since the Earth’s atmosphere can disintegrate meteors weighing several kilos. That is why it is quite common to see shooting stars; On a normal day up to 10 can be seen in an hour, at varying time intervals.

On days when there is a meteor shower, you can see from 10 to 60 meteorites in an hour.. Of course, to see them you will have to be aware of when they will pass and prepare for the event; The best places to see showers of shooting stars or meteorites are the mountains far from big cities or very bright places. You can organize a camping trip and enjoy one of these magical phenomena with your friends in the light of the sky.

2. Why do we wish on Falling Stars?

The origin of this tradition dates back to the beginnings of human beings as social beings.. Since the beginning of time, ignorance about what a shooting star is has generated very diverse responses, many of them with a mystical character. This mystical character that surrounded the stars, added to the belief that meteors were stars that fell from the sky, is what led us to create traditions of this type.

At some point in ancient cultures (those we know from ancient Mesopotamia to ancient Greece) The fact of seeing a shooting star began to be associated with the premonition of positive events. In fact, you surely know the legend of the Three Wise Men of the East, who reached Bethlehem thanks to a shooting star that guided them along the way and announced the birth of a king.

3. Curiosities about Shooting Stars

If you have read us on other occasions, you will know that we feel an irrevocable passion for learning curiosities. For this reason, when it came to knowing what a shooting star is, we couldn’t help but share with you. a series of fascinating facts. We list them below.

  • Does the name «Fukang meteorite«? It is considered the most precious stone of all, and it is a nickel and iron meteorite with golden crystals of a mineral called olivine. It is no less than 4.5 billion years old! and is key to understanding the formation of the solar system. Here you can discover many more Curiosities of the Solar System.
  • Although most meteors that enter Earth are of stellar origin, in reality they could be anything, including space debris or organic debris resulting from space missions (although most larger objects stay in orbit around the Earth). We invite you to learn more Curiosities of the Earth that you will love.

4. Tips for observing shooting stars

Now that you know what a shooting star is, Have you had an irremediable desire to enjoy the company of one or more of them? We give you some tips so that you have a better chance of observing them. Attentive!

  • Stay away from urban centers or areas with artificial lightingAlso, if you can go to a higher area like a mountain, much better. Remember: the mountain far from civilization is the best place for stargazing; Of course, for safety reasons try not to act like a hermit and go alone or at least let someone know where you will be.
  • It is convenient look for shooting stars looking southsince, due to the Earth’s rotation, they usually enter our atmosphere from this direction.
  • To avoid torticollis, it is advisable to settle well in a lounger or hammock. Seeing shooting stars is a relaxing activityso make sure you create an appropriate environment for yourself.
  • If you have a telescope it will be more difficult to see a shooting star pass bysince you define more the part of the sky you are observing, but if you capture one it will be more spectacular when seen more closely.

Our approach to what a shooting star is ends here, but now the time has come for you to leave us your impressions in the comments section. Tell us, were you already familiar with most of the data expressed about what a shooting star is? Do you have any stories related to them that you want to share with us? We will read you with great interest. 🙂