What is a safe diet? –

What is a safe diet?

Safe food means that it is free from harmful bacteria and fungi or molds, chemicals and other materials that may be harmful to health. Thus, when a food is safe, its consumption is safe.

When we talk about a safe diet we say?

If we follow the definition given by the Royal Academy of Language, food that does no harm is harmless. And if we look at the damage that our food system is causing, we could hardly talk about safety.

What is innocuous?

In pharmacology, harmlessness refers to the non-toxicity of a drug or preparation with healing properties. However, unlike food, in this area it is much more related to the effects that an incorrectly prescribed drug can cause in an individual.

What are unsafe foods?

Unsafe food threatens human health and economies and disproportionately affects vulnerable and marginalized people, especially women and children, conflict-affected populations and migrants.

What are contaminated foods?

A contaminated food is one that contains microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses; or toxins produced by microorganisms.

What are the contaminated foods?

The most common contaminated foods are raw meat (including chicken), raw or undercooked eggs, and unpasteurized milk. Fortunately, salmonella is killed when food is cooked thoroughly.

What happens if there is no hygiene in the genitals?

Vaginal irritations: the lack of proper hygiene can cause the accumulation of irritating substances in the area that cause itching and discomfort. The use of inadequate hygiene products or the abuse of cosmetics such as deodorants can also cause irritation.

How should you clean your genitals?

Daily hygiene Clean the area with paper every time you pee. Wash daily with soap and water. The soap should be neutral or slightly acidic, as close as possible to the pH of the area to be treated. Avoid using gloves or sponges, as they can be a potential source of contamination, especially fungi.

How to take care of the intimate parts of a child?

Next, I share with you some recommendations for children’s intimate hygiene and for you to put it into practice at home and become a habit:

  1. Teach him to adopt a position every time he goes to the bathroom.
  2. Cleaning from front to back.
  3. Apply mild hygiene products.
  4. Alarm signals.