What is a literary image?
In the field of literature, it is called image or imagery to refer to the descriptive language that allows a mental image to be created through the use of words or phrases that evoke the five senses and trigger emotional responses.
How are literary images classified?
Types of literary figures and classification criteria. In this section of the types of literary figures would enter the metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, antonomasia, hyperbole, litote.
What are the rhetorical figures of the image?
They are visual resources that are commonly used in advertising images, in the world of art, in comics and in graphic design to give images a meaning beyond the purely literal. Visual rhetoric is the use of rhetorical figures through visual language.
What is a figure of speech in art?
The rhetorical figure is defined as the operation that starts from a simple proposition and modifies certain elements to constitute a figurative proposition.
What elements make up the rhetoric of the image?
- Interpenetration It is characterized by mixing different elements and creating a single unit from them.
- Simile or comparison This figure of speech refers to the plane of content.
- Repetition
- Ellipse
- Antithesis
- metaphor, allegory
- Personification
- Accumulation
What is prosopopeia in an image?
Prosopopeia or personification is a literary figure that consists of attributing human qualities or abilities (such as thought, reasoning or speech) to inanimate things. For example: The wind whispered relentlessly.
What is brand rhetoric?
The creation of symbols that denote identity is an exercise that always leads to the representation of an idea that expresses connotations (suggests an added and different meaning) through an advertisement.
What is figure of speech in graphic design?
The use of visual rhetorical figures entails playing with the meaning of the images that goes beyond their literal meaning, transmitting messages, sensations and new meanings for the public or spectator. …
What are rhymes in advertising?
No one doubts the commercial power of rhyme. We can see it in commercials (“the rubbing is going to end”). Rhymes, then, are something like verbal spells. …
What does advertising rhetoric mean?
It is a technique that has rules and procedures like any other. With 3 fundamental requirements of communication: persuade, delight and move. This technique is understood to express oneself adequately to persuade the audience.
What does paradox examples mean?
A paradox designates a fact or a sentence that seems to oppose the principles of logic. In this sense, a paradox can be a fact that, on the surface, is contrary to logic: “Nobody goes to that place anymore; it is always full of people”; “This statement is false” (antinomian paradox).
What is it to be the antithesis?
The term antithesis indicates opposition or contrariety of two statements. It also refers to a person or thing that possesses opposite qualities or represents the opposite of another.
What is the difference between metaphor and paradox?
Saying “This is a pipe” is a metaphor because “this” is a picture and not a real pipe. But, at the same time, this is a pipe because it represents a pipe and allows us to get closer to what a pipe is. Hence the paradox. For this reason, if we say, like Magritte, that “This is not a pipe”, the paradox becomes even more evident.
What is metaphor onomatopoeia paradox?
ONOMATOPEIA: consists of reproducing or recreating, through the sound resources of the language, sounds of reality. PARADOX (oxymoron): union of two terms of apparently contradictory meaning that, however, are not mutually exclusive, but complement each other to highlight the message they convey.