What is a figurative and abstract sculpture?
Abstract sculptures within the plastic arts, is a form of artistic representation, based on the abstraction of forms and objects, these take on different meanings depending on the artist and the material used.
What is the concrete and the abstract in sculpture?
The concrete will be the pictorial, visual, impressive, rhetorical, digital, constructed intentionality, while the abstract will be everything that will surround the planes that will intersect between viewers and their eyes will receive what the artist had at the time of its realization so clearly but they don’t come…
What is an abstract culture?
In abstract art or abstractionism, ideas and concepts prevail to the detriment of a figurative representation of visible reality.
What are figurative sculptures?
Or said way: art that represents objects that exist in reality.
What does the artist represent in figurative sculptures?
Figurative art (or also called representational art or figurativism) is that art that we can define as an exact representation of figures, said figures can be identifiable images or recognizable objects, manifested above all in painting and sculpture, which imitates nature, copying it, it…
How is figurative art divided?
Distortion: representation of general characteristics, synthesizing visual elements, deforming or stylizing according to the artist’s interpretation of reality. Idealization: use of geometric and synthesized forms. Symbolism: interpretation of figures for their meaning in a cultural context.
Who created the figurative image?
It is often said that cave paintings are the first figurative images that human beings created: in them, prehistoric man captured his environment as accurately as he could. A figurative image of a person, for example, has two legs, two arms, and a head.
What are figurative images?
Figurative images are those that make reality known as our senses perceive it. Figurative images are classified as: Realistic figurative images, are those that try to represent the world or a portion of it as our eyes perceive it.
What is abstract art?
Abstract art is the opposite of figurative (that is, the representation of identifiable objects through recognizable images). Therefore, abstraction does not represent concrete «things» of nature but rather proposes a new reality. He proposes a «pure art» looking beyond our reality.