What information about the Mexican territory can a photograph provide?
The information that a photograph of the Mexican territory can provide me is knowing some of the elements that make up said territory, what type of ecosystem it is made up of, the relief, the proportion that its elements have, among others…
What information about the Mexican territory can a globe provide you? What information can a photograph provide you?
The globe, as a cartographic projection, can provide me with information about the territory of Mexico, its location in the world, its limits, its relationship with other countries, as well as its relative distance from other territories.
What information can a photograph of the globe provide me?
Answer certified by an expert The information that a photograph of the globe can provide is: The location of the continents. Relative dimensions of the continents. Distance of the regions with respect to the poles.
What information can a globe give you?
The information provided by a globe is quite extensive, since we will have a completely three-dimensional view of the world in which we live, not only can we get the exact points that the country of Mexico has on planet earth, but we can also visualize with precision others…
What are the limits of Venezuela with Colombia?
The border with Colombia extends for a total of 2,219 km, thus being the longest border between both countries. It extends between the Peninsula of La Guajira and the Piedra del Cocuy on the Negro River. The states that form part of the border are Zulia, Táchira, Apure and Amazonas.
What are the Colombian border treaties?
The treaties between Colombia and Brazil, the Vásquez Cabo-Martins Treaty of April 24, 1907 and the García Ortiz-Mangabeira treaty of November 15, 1928, defined the extension of the border, leaving it with a length of 1,645 km, from the island from San José to the Quebrada de San Antonio.
What is the air border?
Air border It is the supreme context to which the sovereignty of a state reaches in its vertical sense. It borders interplanetary or cosmic space.