What happened to the bodies of the Titanic? SCANDALOUS

When we think of the Titanic we can feel the tragedy, the despondency and the death of half of the passengers and the entire crew. We are also capable of recognizing the strategies and personal egos that led the great ship of dreams to capsize and, even more so, after the thousand cinematographic and literary versions of this ship accident that, without being the crudest in the history of the 20th century, it has indeed been the one that has aroused the most interest internationally. However, there is something that many interested in the most macabre ins and outs of the liner overlooked; what happened to the bodies of the Titanic It has been an absolute mystery to many, until now.

The bodies of the Titanic… The scandal after the sinking

April 23, 1912 was the day of the true and total sinking of the Transatlantic. A group of sailors had to make their way through the rubble of the ship’s remains and see one of the most devastating spectacles that a human being can witness: dozens, hundreds of bodies that made the bows of the collection boats creak. Practically all of them were third class. Immigrants and ship staff.

All of them completely blue and violet, with their faces swollen by the water and its bacteria, their eyes wide open and their hair visibly frozen. The official story says that the porters took the bodies and later buried them. Reality explains something very different.

The Atlantic Ocean, full of bodies from the Titanic?

There were exactly 1,497 people who perished on the Titanic and of them, according to what they say, they were able to find 328 bodies, of which 119 were thrown back since they were practically unrecognizable. Of these, only 59 were claimed by their families and buried. Up to this point it seems that the nautical company White Star Line He did what he could to rescue the dignity of the deceased passengers.

It has recently been discovered that nothing could be further from the truth. The Daily Mail was the one that, more than a century later, published an article showing a series of telegrams confirming that Mackay-Bennett, who guided the Titanic body collection expedition, selected passengers based on the belongings and money on the bodies. Likewise, I would add that only those corpses that were requested by their relatives would be collected as well as those that were easily recognizable by their belongings.

A decision that today seems barbaric and unfair, but that specialists ask that an effort be made to see from the perspective of the time. At that time the society was deeply classist, So the option they took to recover only the bodies of the rich was not an act of evil, but rather it was the most logical option at that time and in such a desolate situation.

Be that as it may, it is difficult to stop noticing, with sadness and a certain anger, that the corpses of the relatives of second and third class passengers could have rested on the ground, with their deceased loved ones, but it was deliberately decided to abandon them to their fate, under the icy waters.

If the legends of the Titanic worry and fascinate you in equal measure, discover the story of the actress who survived the Titanic and acted in the first film of the tragedy.

Images: K8 fan, pin.