What do women notice about men? | What they see first

Seduction is an art in which the most varied sensations and senses come into play. Physical appearance is important, but things like voice, aroma, smile, and especially attitude also add up. Have you ever wondered what women notice about men? It is clear that each person has their own universe of weaknesses and manias when it comes to letting themselves be carried away by seduction, But no one would be lying if we said that there are almost basic dimensions, facts that on average make them approve with pleasure of what they are seeing… Do you want to know, do you want to enter the complex and fascinating feminine world? Join us at to discover what is the first thing a woman sees in a man.

What is the first thing a woman sees in a man?

We already told you on one occasion about what men see in women. For gentlemen, who are much more visual in nature, the priorities at first glance go through the physical image. The face, breasts or hips are among the main focuses of male attention. But when talking about what women notice physically, we find other variants. It has always been well said that while the masculine nature is predominantly visual, the feminine is dominated by the auditory. But this has its nuances and variants, according to science, and it is really less strict than we have believed. Let’s see then what are those aspects that constitute the first step in seduction.

1. The first exchange of glances

When talking about what women notice about men in a first impression, the first thing that comes to mind is the crossing of first glances. We have all experienced running into someone on the street and feeling attracted. A face, a picture, a smile. But, The first exchange of glances is essential for a woman to feel attracted, or instantly regret it. If the man’s gaze is confident, daring, shy, advanced… what that gaze communicates largely determines whether that attraction is maintained, at least at the moment of crossing.

2. The smile

We delve into what is the first thing a woman sees in a man, with a smile. In fact, it is one of the favorite gestures of women. If a man you find attractive combines his gaze with a smile, he will surely generate interest.nerves and even desire to take another step.

3. The shoulders

Although they say that women are predominantly auditory, the visual sense also plays an important role. Beyond the face or the smile, women usually take a general look at the body of the man they find attractive. They usually pay special attention to the width of the shoulders and back.

4. The style

Another vital factor in what women pay attention to in men is style. Once they have encountered that first attractive image, women sharpen their senses to evaluate masculine style. The way they dress, their hair, their way of speaking, their expressions, gestures… All of this configures a particular style where that second “scanner” is crossed.

5. The mouth

We continue to delve deeper into what is the first thing a woman sees in a man, and the mouth appears as one of the most important physical features. The mouth is synonymous with sensuality. AND If they like a man, they will see his lips and imagine themselves in a kiss.

6. The hands

Few parts of the male body are more sensual and erotic for women than the hands. In fact, the vast majority of women pay attention to this aspect. They prefer large, thick hands with an appearance of strength and a certain rusticity. Just contemplating it can make your imagination fly.

7. The sense of humor

Another aspect that women pay attention to in men is their sense of humor. At this stage we are going a little deeper. We have already gone through that first phase where physical appearance is a relevant anteroom, to move on to those essential dimensions for a woman. Do they make her laugh? Is the time you spend with them pleasant, light-hearted? Do they know how to laugh at themselves? Laughter, good energy and a positive attitude are undoubtedly a very, very important facet.

8. Self-confidence

Another vital aspect, when talking about what is the first thing a woman sees in a man, is the self-confidence that a man shows. In fact, this factor is so powerful, that it is the secret why we see couples of unattractive men with remarkably beautiful women, and we also see attractive men unsuccessful in love. Physical appearance has a lot of weight, we know it, but Just as important and even more so is that they perceive that they are dealing with a self-confident, mature and initiative man. Someone who is capable of arousing your admiration. It is undoubtedly a very attractive feature.

9. Listening ability

Another indispensable factor about what women notice about men, after the first stage. Women like to know that they are cared for and listened to.Yes, they have someone if they have any problem. It is important to see that you are dealing with a man with whom it is easy to communicate and feel understood.

10. Interesting conversation

What’s the point of having a physical appearance halfway between Hugh Jackman or Johnny Deep if men don’t know how to express themselves or aren’t able to say something interesting? You are welcome. An open, dynamic, fun conversation are moments where the true sparks of attraction arise, there where both can conquer each other.

Surely this list has not collected all the details that make up what is the first thing a woman sees in a man, so if you wish you can leave your opinion. We are interested in both, surely they also have an opinion! If you are interested in this topic, don’t miss the article in which we give you the secrets about how to be more attractive. And if you want to go even deeper into your own abilities to attract that person you like so much, apply these phrases to conquer, which do not fail.