What are online challenges? –

What are online challenges?

According to En TIC Confio, the challenges that go viral on the Internet consist of carrying out an action in front of a digital camera and then ‘nominating’ other people (friends, acquaintances or relatives) through social networks so that they can also carry it out.

What are the challenges affecting the family unit today?

Currently the birth rate out of wedlock, irresponsible parenthood, home abandonment and the divorce rate have increased; hence, marriage is no longer considered the institution that consolidates adult life.

What is the family as the fundamental basis of society?

For us, the family is the main cell of society, it is where values ​​are learned and the practice of these constitutes the basis for the development and progress of society. An extended family can include grandparents, uncles, cousins, and others who are blood or related. …

What are the challenges of the Dominican family?

The challenges. For Vergés, the main challenge facing the Dominican family is to stop this decomposition that affects family dynamics and the healthy development of children and at the same time neutralize violence, which is used as a method of control mainly among the male population.

What challenges does the population of the Dominican Republic face?

Poverty, public health services, teenage pregnancies, care for the elderly, Crime and citizen security, as well as education, the prolonged and ineffective electricity crisis.

What are the challenges of the family?

Relationship and communication difficulties in the family, that is, they highlight the insufficiency and even the inability to build family relationships that overcome the conflicts and tensions between the spouses, due to the lack of mutual trust and intimacy, the dominance of a spouse over the other, as well as …

What is the Dominican family challenges and opportunities?

They have argued that the Dominican family is responsible for educating their children and grandchildren in values. We assume that the average family in our society is organized around desirable values ​​for the education of children and young people, but this is not true. …

What are the family opportunities?

Attitudes such as realistic optimism, discipline, tenacity, responsibility, honesty, austerity, good humor, commitment to what is done, affection and interest in children, can only be transmitted with the example that we give every day

What are the characteristics of the Dominican family?

The «Dominican Family» is thus this communion of friars, nuns, sisters of apostolic life, members of secular institutes, fraternities of priests and laity, associations attached to the Order, who, thanks to their common charism, have received the order to assume the same mission of preaching and compassion.

What is the role of the family in Dominican society?

As parents, our role should be to ensure that our children’s basic needs are met, as well as to provide protection, security, affection, trust, respect and emotional support.

What is the centrifugal family?

Families, as a human group, are formed around the figure of the parents. In centrifugal families, children tend to be dismissed from the family orbit towards society, but with a very poor baggage of values. The children are annoying.

How were the first family groups in the world and how was their organization?

This type of organization was given by the union of several clans forming a phratry. The patriarchs had the essential function of administering the assets of the community, rationally organizing the work of its members, presiding over religious worship, and in general worrying about the collective well-being.