There are places in the world where it is better not to get close. There are many reasons that can make us give up traveling somewhere: violence, pollution, natural dangers, lack of freedoms… Come with us to discover Vozrozhdeniya, one of the most dangerous places in the worldand to discover what happened on that island so that no one wants to go near it.
Vozrozhdeniya, one of the most dangerous places in the world
Vozrozhdeniya was an island in the Aral Sea. His name means «Renaissance» and we say that it «was» an island because it is no longer one. Due to the gradual disappearance of the Aral Sea, it is currently a peninsula. Starting in the 20s of the 20th century, the soviet leaders who had led the Russian Revolution, believed that it was necessary to build a military-scientific complex for develop, test and produce biological weapons. The place had to have very specific characteristics: it had to be far from the borders of the Soviet Union and it had to be easy to keep secret what was done there. They thought that the best would be an island and the one that met all the requirements was Vozrozhdeniya. laboratories were built and all kinds of military installations and scientists known as «Aralsk-7» and even a city where the employees of the complex lived that they called Kantubek. In 1948 work began in Vozrozhdeniya and in its top secret laboratory began experiment with biological weapons. Among the agents tested was anthrax, plague, smallpox, tularemia or brucellosisall of them diseases life threatening and capable of being used in war microbiological. Defectors from the Soviet Union explained what was being tested in the island’s laboratories, the weapons that were being manufactured and the danger that this entailed since were stored in her without many security guarantees. In 1991with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, facilities were closed and all personnel were evacuated. Kantubek became a ghost town, but the problem with the island was that many of the containers of biological agents were not properly stored or destroyed and with the passage of time there have been leaks. In 2002 was carried out cleaning program sponsored by the US and Uzbekistan, but despite this Vozrozhdeniya Island remains one of the most dangerous places in the world. If you are fans of video games, you may remember that in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops, there are some scenes in which the protagonist travels to Vozrozhdeniya, Renaissance Island, a place where biological weapons were manufactured and stored. If you want to know other dangers of our planet, you can read the article: These are the 10 most dangerous animals in the world. Image: (c) Can Stock Photo / MaxalTamor, (c) Can Stock Photo / diter