Calm down and just don’t burden yourself? Wrong, say experts. Broken bones heal even faster with some exercise. What exercises help.
It is estimated that 178 million bone fractures occur worldwide each year.1 About 5 to 10 percent of these fractures do not heal properly.2 Either because the fractures are very complicated or the affected area does not have adequate blood flow. The result: bone loss up to a lifelong disability or even death. The researcher dr. Livia Santos leads research into recovery and muscle tissue and shares two simple exercises that help break bones heal faster in British science magazine The Conversation.3
Even a broken bone needs exercise
It is often said that you should immobilize a broken bone and not put any weight on it. Movement plays an important role in healing, emphasizes Santos. There are several studies that indicate that gentle physical movement is good for a fracture.4 This is because diabetics, older people or people with osteoporosis in particular have an increased risk of complications in this regard. According to the expert, the bones in the hand and shin are particularly vulnerable. «In this case, gentle weight-bearing exercise helps the fractures heal faster.»
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With these exercises, broken bones heal faster
Basically, the exercises mentioned should be clarified by a doctor beforehand. Especially considering age, fitness level and severity of fracture.
With a broken leg
Lie on your back on the floor and lift your leg in plaster as far as you can. If possible, wiggle your ten. This is how the blood is directed to the extremities. Hold for five seconds and lower. Repeat about ten times a day. It is also possible, sitting on a chair, to press your foot against the floor for five seconds and release it – again for ten repetitions.
With a broken wrist
Take a small ball in your hand, squeeze it and bend your elbow – then relax your arm again. Repeat this ten times a day.
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What happens to the bone during these exercises
«When we fracture a bone, both oxygen and blood flow are extremely important to aid in fracture healing,» writes Dr. santos «So when we exercise, our blood vessels dilate, allowing more oxygen, nutrients, and growth factors to flow to the fracture site.» These exercises also trigger the release of an energy molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is precisely this ATP that promotes the formation of new bone tissue. According to the expert, it thus plays into another important mechanism. Muscle contractions also activate anti-inflammatory osteocytes. These are a type of bone cells that alert other bone cells to make new and stronger tissue so that the edges of the broken bone can safely grow together.
No movement, no osteocytes. And it is precisely these osteocytes that are needed for broken bones to heal faster, according to the scientist.
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When is a broken bone healthy again?
It usually takes six to eight weeks for a small fracture to heal and 20 weeks for larger ones. However, healing processes are very individual, so it is difficult to say in general how much faster the affected bone grows back together with the help of the exercises, emphasizes Santos. Age, previous illnesses, physical fitness and lifestyle also play a major role. With the said exercises you give the bone an important push in the healing direction.