Training for the entrance exam writing test –

The pandemic triggered very serious economic problems, such as, (No comma) countless job losses and low sales profits. In Brazil, thousands of companies needed loans to stay afloat and retain employees. (Restructure initial discussions and formulate the thesis)

(Improve cohesive strategy) The lack of jobs generated stress, hunger, and a lot of debt. Seeing this greatly affect the population, the government made the aid availabletherelion emergesIt isthat aimed to maintain the financial base of the most shaken families. Many people with good financial conditions also made a point of this assistance.therelio, making it difficult for those who really needed it to get approval. (Limited approach to the topic)

(Improve cohesive strategy) Many social issues were exposed during the pandemic, one of the most visible is individualism and selfishness, where people only think about others when they are hit. AND I need society to have more empathy with others and put themselves in their shoes by showing kindness and not out of convenience. (Does not understand the structure of the text)

Broker reviews

Discussions need to be delimited and explored according to the theme and structure of the text. Avoid superficial cutting. Don’t forget to practice your writing.

Skills assessed

Competence Grade Reason Mastery of the formal written modality 160 Level 4 – Demonstrates good command of the formal written modality of the Portuguese language and choice of register, with few grammatical deviations and writing conventions. Understand the proposal and apply concepts from various areas of knowledge to develop the dissertation-argumentative text in prose 120 Level 3 – Develops the topic through predictable argumentation and presents an average command of the dissertation-argumentative text, with proposition, argumentation and conclusion. Select, relate, organize and interpret information in defense of a point of view 80 Level 2 – Presents information, facts and opinions related to the topic, but disorganized or contradictory and limited to the arguments of the motivating texts, in defense of a point of view. Knowledge of the linguistic mechanisms necessary to construct the argument 120 Level 3 – Articulates the parts of the text, in an average way, with inadequacies, and presents a little diverse repertoire of cohesive resources. Proposal for intervention with respect to human rights 0 Level 0 – Does not present a proposal for intervention or presents a proposal not related to the topic or subject.


See below the grade related to each level Level 0 Grade 0 Level 1 Grade 40 Level 2 Grade 80 Level 3 Grade 120 Level 4 Grade 160 Level 5 Grade 200