Training for the entrance exam writing test –

In today’s postmodern society, the population has become accustomed to hyperconsumption. Due to advanced production techniques resulting from the Industrial Revolution, marketing and lower prices, consumers were able to purchase products extremely easily, which made them fond of consuming. The question is: to what extent do you need to buy?
In many cases, attracted by the capitalist spirit, people become part of the mass of alienated consumption, where happiness is determined by the possession of goods. However, this artificial happiness is a mask for other problems. Alienated consumption degenerates into consumerism, causing a desire that is never satisfied, a desire that is never satisfied. Hence the relationship between hyperconsumerism and people’s debt, as people buy more than they need, consequently, more than they can spend.
The big problem with consumerism is the loss of critical dimension, where the consumer does not realize the exploitation of which he is a victim and does not distinguish the as vital needs from false needs. Goods are quickly “out of date” because their style has become outdated or because a new product has proven “indispensable”, which is why the population appears to be a “mass of maneuver” for advertising.
On the other hand, conscious consumption is the key to balance between consumer and producer, as consumption is a phenomenon of our time. It is important to know that everything we consume came from somewhere and goes to another. Often, the “car of the year” was produced very quickly by multinationals on production lines, at the expense of exploiting cheap labor. What’s more, the waste from our excessive consumption goes to incorrect disposal sites, further damaging the environment in which we live.
It can be seen, therefore, that since the beginning of the 20th century, the changes that have occurred in production, work and consumption have been remarkable and, as consequence , globalization has brought about a series of changes in society’s behavior. We must check, at all times, to what extent these activities are in service in service humanization and sustainability of the planet and when they deviate from these main objectives.

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Your text project addressed the topic and very pertinent statements surrounding the issue. However, better work on the argumentative part of your text, it is not enough to state, you need to prove and substantiate. In this way, try to carry out a richer and more conscious work with argumentative resources (quotation, irony, facts, data, examples, comparisons, contrapositions, historical retrospectives, etc.).

Always read and produce!

Skills assessed

Item Note Appropriateness to the Theme Evaluates whether the text can explore the possibilities of ideas that the theme favors. As in the entrance exam, the essay that goes beyond the topic is eliminated. 1.5 Adequacy and Critical Reading of the Collection Evaluates whether the text can understand the assumptions of the collection, as well as make a relationship between the points of view presented and other sources of reference. 1.5 Adequacy to the Textual Genre Assesses whether the text adequately employs the characteristics of the textual genre and whether it can use them in a conscious and enriching way at the service of the text project. 1.5 Adequacy to the standard form of the language Assesses whether the text is competent in the written form. In this way, it verifies the morphological, synthetic, semantic and orthographic domain. 1.5 Cohesion and Coherence Evaluates whether the text has mastered the processes of predication, phrasal construction, paragraphing and vocabulary. In addition to the correct use of punctuation marks and textual articulation elements. 2.0 FINAL GRADE: 8 Find out how grades are classified 0.0 – Bad 0.5 – Poor 1.0 – Good 1.5 – Very good 2.0 – Excellent