Thor’s wife | 4 curiosities about the love of the god of battles

There is no doubt that Thor is one of our favorite characters in Norse mythology since we have talked about him many times. But we still have many curiosities to tell you about him and the whole world around him. In this article we are going to talk about Thor’s wife, a figure that has often been left in the background although she is very important in all the legends surrounding the god of thunder..

The Thor’s wife She was one of the main goddesses of the Norse pantheon, called Sif, she symbolized crops and fidelity. In this article you will see how this relationship was somewhat atypical and you will see Loki’s role in this whole matter. If you want to know all the curiosities about her and the relationship he had with the god of thunder, you just have to continue reading these lines. Discover it!

Thor’s wife | Curiosities and legends about the love of the god of thunder

1. Was Sif, Thor’s wife, unfaithful?

Although the love between these two deities was sincere, Thor was not Sif’s first love or husband. This honor is occupied by the giant Orvandil, unlike in other Norse mythologies, relationships between gods or goddesses and giants were common. Although this has little to do with the story about the infidelity of the goddess Sif that came, like most bad things surrounding the Norse gods, from Loki.

Many experts of Norse mythology suggest that The accusations were one of the many ploys the god of deception used to anger the god of thunder.. There is also the possibility that Loki spread the false rumor that Thor’s wife was unfaithful to her, so that he would abandon her and her evil god could finally conquer her. In addition to Loki, another character named Harbaror also assured Thor that his newly taken wife had a lover. After the thunder god’s threats, the giant confessed that he had said it simply to provoke him.

2. Loki was always in the middle of the relationship

The god of deception also appears in another of the legends about the relationship between Thor and Sif. In this story, Loki cuts Sif’s golden hair when she was sleeping. This despicable act by the god of deception provoked Thor’s anger and he demanded that he immediately repair this grievance. Loki promised that he would restore her hair with gold and he complied., for once, his word. He went to the dwarves, the same ones who created Odin’s spear, and they made them a golden hair worthy of Thor’s wife.

3. The couple’s children

A curiosity about the relationship between Thor and Sif is that Both had children together but also several children from only one of the spouses.. They only had two children, a boy and a girl. Lorrude was the male and Thrud the female, who was of considerable size. With the daughter of Thor and Sif, she perfectly sees the extremes of Norse mythology, since after growing up and seeing that she was almost half a giant, she became engaged to a dwarf. As we have commented before, it is striking that in mythology or stories between gods, Thor and Sif are husbands who were also previously married.

4. Sif and Thor in other universes

In this section we are going to emphasize the relationship between Sif and Thor in the Marvel universe, as you already know this famous factory has recreated the life of the god of thunder as if it were a superhero. In her films, an Asgardian named Sif also appears, although the relationship between the two is ambiguous and is not at all what the legends tell it. Thor and Sif simply have a brotherly and friendly relationship, in addition to fighting together in all the battles and adventures they run together with another group of experienced warriors.. Obviously, and due to the change in plot in the movies, they have to adapt the character to their convenience. She is represented as the goddess of war, a totally different role than the one she had in the original Norse mythology.

As you may have seen, the relationship between Thor and Sif has many particularities that make it different from that of many other gods in the ancient world. Possible infidelities, third parties, other marriages and children of different people. Now we would like to know your opinion about the romantic relationship between these two deities. Do you really think Sif could have been unfaithful or were they just Loki’s ploys? What do you think that Marvel has completely changed the relationship between Thor and Sif? Does it strike you that their children are so different? We can’t wait for you to leave us your comments, as we always love reading them!