The nahual, the sorcerer who could turn into an animal

In the mythological or spiritual universe there is a concept that is theriomorphism or therianthropy. It consists of the supposed ability of some special human beings to change shape and take on that of an animal. In we talk to you about the Navajo skin-walkers, the precursors of JK Rowling’s animagi and on this occasion, following your suggestions, we wanted to get closer to the figure of the nahual, the sorcerer who could become an animal of Mesoamerican cultures.

The nahual

The concept of nahual or nagual is diverse since it does not coincide exactly in all Mesoamerican cultures. We will try to collect the traits that are common to the majority. The nahual is the person who has the ability, whether physical or spiritual, to take the form of an animal. Usually it is a shaman or sorcerer and uses his power in a beneficial or negative way depending on his personality.

He nahualism would be the transformative capacity of the nahual and it is an ability that lies in the spiritual essence of those people. Currently the term nahual is also used as a synonym for witch or magician, but always when it is believed that that person has the ability to turn into an animal. The transformation usually occurs at night and the animals chosen are preferably dogs, owls, bats and wolves. In Mesoamerican tradition the nahual used to become a jaguar, puma or wolf.

In general, the communities that believe in Nahualism fear the Nahuales. If their character is evil, they are attributed actions such as causing illness, stealing and even drinking the blood of their victims. If they are beneficial, although feared, they are tolerated and respected because they protect natural resources, the culture of the community to which they belong, and defend people.

However, the legends about the nahuals are usually terrifying. Here is an example of a story about one of them that is explained in the state of Tlaxcala in Mexico. Legend has it that a group of hunters were walking through a dense, dark forest when night fell without them having found their way back to the town. Suddenly, a huge dog appeared in front of them, looking at them and barking at them very aggressively. The dog moved and fearing that it would attack them, one of the hunters shot it, hitting it in the paw. The dog fled and disappeared into the thicket. They continued along the road and came across a cabin. They opened the door and found in it a man who looked like a peasant, but lived surrounded by great wealth. They asked him the way back, but not before noticing that he had a wound on his leg. Back in town they commented on what they had seen in the cabin and the locals explained to them that he was not a peasant, but a nahual that transformed into a dog to attack careless travelers and steal their belongings.

The term nahual Sometimes it is also applied to an animal or protective spirit. There are some traditions that affirm that each of us at the time of birth it has an assigned animal which is what will guide and protect you throughout life. It can appear in dreams or manifest itself as a protector through an animal with which one has an affinity. The belief is that witches and shamans can establish a real and special connection with their nahual and use their abilities.

Did you know what a nahual? Do you know more information about them? Share them with us!

Images: Jaguarnagual.jpg, Original file ‎