The Candiru fish | Known as the Amazon vampire fish

Nature is full of magic in each of its corners… amazing plant species, dream landscapes and curious animals, they show us the perfection of the world we inhabit. At we are faithful believers of one of the best phrases about the environment, which is attributed to the American writer Henry David Thoreau; «In nature is the preservation of the world.» In this opportunity, We wanted to travel to the most humid depths of the jungles of South America, to meet the Candirú, the most feared fish in the region. Come with us to discover why it is known as the vampire fish of the Amazon.

And when we talk about the Amazon, images of the most varied and dangerous animals come to our minds: piranhas, freshwater rays, bull sharks, alligators, anacondas… but among these powerful predators, we can find an almost invisible, but terrifying , a small fish that resembles a needle. This harmless-looking animal is one of the most feared parasites of the Amazon and if it does penetrate your body, you will surely have something to worry about. Come with us to meet the Candirú fish.

1. What is the Candiru fish?

The Amazon vampire fish, since it was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century, has captured the imagination and the most curious jungle legends. Its scientific name is Vandellia cirrhosa and it is nothing more than a small transparent and elongated fish. In general terms, Its body measures between two and five centimeters long and about four millimeters wide, although specimens up to fifteen centimeters long have been reported.

But, what has really turned it into a legend of the Amazon, before which even the bravest pale with fear, is the fact that it is considered one of the real animal vampires of the nature. The Candiru fish It has the ability to enter the body cavities of its victims to suck their blood. To parasitize, it sneaks into its host through natural openings, such as the gills in the case of other fish, or the genitals and excretors, if it chooses a larger creature. Really unpleasant.

2. How does the Amazon vampire fish attack?

The region’s indigenous tribes are skilled at legends, as well as the best ways to avoid the Amazon vampire fish. Oral tradition, which has been passed down from generation to generation, tells that If men urinate while bathing in fast-flowing rivers, the Candirú fish can enter their penis orifice, and from there ascend to lodge in the urethra. When the fish enters its victim, they cling to the body with a type of hooks or spines that they have. Thanks to them, they can feed on the person’s blood, while making it difficult to expel them from the body.

Such is the foresight of the locals regarding the Amazon vampire fish, that when bathing in the rivers, they do so against the current and covering their body orifices. Although cases in which the fish enters the body of men through the penis are more popular, it also happens with women. The Candirú fish is introduced through the woman’s vagina, especially when she is menstruating, attracted by the smell of blood. This parasitic fish can access the human body through the penis, vagina, urethra and anus.

Documented cases of Candirú fish attacks

The first documented case of an attack by the Candirú fish was brought to us in 1829 by the German biologist CFP Von Martius. This scientist visited the Amazon area and was warned of the presence of the fish. In fact, He explained that some of the men in the area tied a string around their penis to get into the river, thus preventing the aquatic parasite from entering their bodies. Other tribes, apparently, put protectors on their genitals, although the biologist speculated that it could be to protect themselves from piranha bites, rather than from the attack of the Candirú fish.

Another incident came to light thanks to Eduard Poepping, who in 1836 took note of the statements of a certain Dr. Lacerda from Pará. This doctor had witnessed a case in which a Candirú fish was found lodged in a human orifice. However, instead of taking refuge in a penis—as the indigenous people feared—this time it had lodged in a woman’s vagina. Apparently, he found a remedy for the invasion using the juice of a plant called Xagua. Another witness, a little closer to the attacks of the Amazon vampire fish, was Dr. Anoar Samad, who in 1997 claimed to have been invaded by one of these fish while urinating in the river.

Are you attracted to urine?

The legends of the Amazon about the Candirú fish force men and women to bathe in the rivers, covering their body orifices. But, some indigenous tribes have a particular theory about the attacks of the Amazon vampire fish. They say that the fish does not sneak in without explanation into any organism that bathes in the river, but rather it does so because of a special stimulus. It is believed that The components of some people’s urine could give off certain odors, which would be attractive to the fish, the same as with menstrual blood.. However, these theories have been dismissed and it is now believed that the fish chooses its victim using sight.

3. What to do if the Candiru fish has entered your body?

If the Amazon vampire fish has penetrated a human body, it quickly begins to generate quite annoying symptoms. This is a very serious invasion, as the victim begins to suffer great pain in the area where the fish has settled to feed. The most complex thing about this is that, thanks to its anatomy, the fish fixes itself so tightly inside the body that its natural expulsion is practically impossible. To get rid of it, it is necessary to perform surgery on the penis, vagina, anus, or the place where this annoying animal has settled.. Terrible! No?

And you, Did you know the adventures of the Amazon vampire fish? Did you know that this Candirú fish has a special predilection for entering the male penis? Knowing this, would you dare to bathe in the Amazon rivers? Most likely not. Leave us your opinions in a comment, we will be happy to read you! And, if you liked this topic, don’t miss our article on the rarest fish in the world. Amazing!

4. The Candiru fish in video