Study: Compression stockings do NOTHING for runners!

Regardless of whether you are a hobby athlete or a professional: many runners swear by compression stockings because they allow you to last longer and get faster. But is that actually the case?

When running, the muscles constantly contract to compensate for the vibrations caused by the impact. Exactly this balance should increase muscular fatigue. And this is where compression stockings come into play: the constant pressure prevents or reduces these vibrations. As a result, the muscles should remain efficient for longer and runners should even be able to improve their times a little.

However, in 2017, scientists at the Ohio State University, commissioned by Nike, examined this effect on ten runners over a period of two days and found that the pressure of the compression stockings does reduce the vibrations when running – but this has no measurable effect on the performance of the runners muscles.

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So are compression stockings of no use?

The question of whether compression stockings have no effect at all when running cannot be answered clearly. The study was small and the study period was very short. It could therefore be that the effect is only noticeable over a longer period of time and that the effect builds up slowly, said Professor Ajit Chaudhari, leader of the study.

What he also said in a statement: «There is nothing in our study to suggest that wearing compression stockings is bad. Every little bit of perception counts in long-distance running — so they might be helping runners in ways we couldn’t measure.”

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Compression stockings after exercise

Some felt better thanks to the supportive effect of the compression stockings, says sports doctor Prof. Bernd Wolfarth from the Charité in Berlin. He recommends wearing them after exercise, because the passive support of the muscle pump and improved blood circulation ensure better regeneration.

In addition, the tight stockings keep the muscles warm and may even reduce the risk of injury. In other words: If the compression stockings help you to walk, you should simply keep wearing them. However, it is advisable to choose a model that fits well. You should get advice from a specialist dealer and have them carefully measured.

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Compression clothing for weight training

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Compression clothing is not only used by runners, it has also become established in weight training. But what use is it? The fitness professor explains.