Sophia Thiel surprises with an amazing before and after photo

Sophia Thiel has found herself. After years of struggling with her body and even developing an eating disorder, the influencer seems to feel a lot more comfortable in her own skin today. She is now showing this to her followers in an impressive way.

Sophia Thiel is now simply turning the before-and-after comparison typical of social media around. Instead of plump to super slim, she presents her body experience from thin and super fit to curvier, but also happier. Because fitness is still her trademark, but with the difference that she now approaches the topic in a less extreme and healthier way.

New body feeling

Except for a phase of time out, when the 26-year-old withdrew from social media, Thiel lets her fans actively participate in her fitness and nutritional routines and successes. In the past, training and diet tips were often the focus. Ever since Thiel went public with her eating disorder – she also gave an interview to FITBOOK, among other things – it has been important to her to convey a healthy body image to her followers. In her «Instagram» account, you can now read messages like: «Remember, you are enough!» In addition, she is open about her weaknesses and sometimes negative thoughts. In other words: Sophia Thiel shows how different things can really look behind a social media facade.

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Before and After: Sophia 2018 and 2022

Nevertheless, the influencer is now surprising many with her latest post. Sophia Thiel has now published a before and after photo.

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First of all, nothing special. But in the case of Sophia, it’s about documenting the path from being extremely slim and fit (in 2018) to fit but with more kilos on her ribs (in 2022). A step that is well received by their fans. They compliment Sophia Thiel, praise her courage and describe her as a role model.

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inner struggle

Encouragement that the 26-year-old can certainly use. Because even if she lives healthier now and feels better than before most of the time – she also has weak moments. In a «YouTube» video, she explains what her inner struggle looks like: While her head would say it was still too early to get back on track, her heart was up for the challenge. This is how Thiel answers the question of many fans whether they want to get back to their old form. “Everything was always extreme for me. I either trained a lot or not at all. I’ve either been on extreme diets or none at all. But what about the gray area in between?” Sophia Thiel would like to find and pursue exactly this middle ground after a three-year break from bodybuilding.

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Sophia Thiel’s eating disorder

It seems that Sophia Thiel has learned valuable lessons from the bad past few years. Among other things, she sought therapeutic help and, for example, also developed the content of the aforementioned «YouTube» video with this support. It was only in the summer of 2021 that the athlete made her fight with the eating disorder public. She described it as «like a monster that broke loose and took control».

Do you suspect someone close to you has an eating disorder? The Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) recommends working towards a visit to a doctor, psychologist or a counseling center at an early stage. Suggestions are discouraged; instead, self-motivation should be encouraged through suggestions. Anonymous advice is offered on 0221/89 20 31. Those suffering from an eating disorder can find help here.