Salvador Dalí and Gala | The mystical relationship of the artist with his muse and wife

Great artists, those who leave a legacy for history with the magic of their creations, usually also accompany their lives with originality. This is, for example, the case of Leonardo Da Vinci or Frida Kahlo. Well, the story of Salvador Dalí is no exception. One of the great masters of surrealism told in the years of his life an extraordinary love story. Dalí’s muse, his wife and companion, was a fundamental piece in the life and art of this Spanish painter. Today at we are encouraged to investigate a story that has romance, challenges and broken conventions. Join us to discover the endearing love story between Salvador Dalí and Gala.

The story of Salvador Dalí and Gala

And before getting fully into the matter, we want to share with you this video that we have prepared on our YouTube channel, where you will see with images the vital journey of one of the longest and most interesting love stories in the art world.

The life of Salvador Dali It did not at all detract from that of other famous artists. His personal history was full of traumas, with which he had to overcome and for whose treatment he used paint. The first was perhaps his own identity. And Salvador Dalí was not the first in the world. He previously had a brother with that name, who died. When he was born, his parents transferred that identity to him, with all the memories it brought with it.

Sexuality was another complex point in the development of his personality. Influenced by his father, who made him afraid of sexually transmitted diseases, he had a difficult path in his intimate relationships. In fact, he even thought he might be gay, until he met Gala.

Dalí’s muse was not a conventional woman at all. In fact, she was probably one of the most hated women of the time, since her character seemed to be quite complex. However, about it the artist himself even said «I have not gone crazy because she has assumed all my madness». She was not only his first and only wife, but also a fundamental piece in his art, handling everything related to finances, something that was more than difficult for the painter. Let’s learn in greater depth the details of the relationship between Salvador Dalí and Gala.

Dalí’s muse and the particularities of their relationship

Each relationship has its own spirit, its own soul. That of these two characters was so intense, so long and so strong, that even today you can visit the tomb of Gala and Dalíin which both lovers share eternity. Let’s get to know some of these peculiarities that defined a love story.

1. Gala was the wife of Dalí’s friend

The story of Salvador Dalí and Gala, although it was the first for him, was not the same for her. Dalí’s muse was married to Paul Éluard, one of the great painter’s best friends. In fact, when he met the woman who would become his wife, he still she was still married to the French poet.

Dalí met Gala on a trip to Cadaqués. The first time they saw each other, a brutal love arose between them, which lasted for more than half a century.. Nothing prevented them from being together, neither Gala’s marriage nor the daughter he shared with the French poet. As a curiosity, it is said that Paul Éluard carried photos of her naked wife in his wallet and showed them to the brilliant painter, so he already had Gala in her mind when he met her on the beach in Cadaqués.

2. A conflictive relationship from the beginning

At that time it was not very well regarded for women to be older than men in a romantic relationship. Salvador Dalí and Gala cared little about this fact, since at all times they were clear that they would fight against anyone who opposed their romantic story.

One of the people who took the relationship between Salvador Dalí and Gala the worst was the painter’s father. It is rumored that she threatened to disinherit him if he continued with their relationship, something that finally happened. After one of the strong arguments between father and son, Dalí showed him a used condom, telling his mother that he no longer owed her anything. One more example of the extravagance of the painter who never allowed anyone to question his love relationship with Gala.

3. They were married twice

These two lovers said «I do» on two occasions, one in Paris and another in Gerona. The first time was in 1934, in a town hall in the city of love and protected by the French Republic.

In addition to this civil wedding, they married again in Spain in 1958, specifically in the town of Sant Martí Vell. The setting for this wedding was at the top of Puig Alt, at no more and no less than 458 meters above sea level. One of the curiosities of this wedding, which took place in the Sanctuary of the Mare de Déu dels Àngels, was that the ceremony took place in the most absolute secrecy. It was carried out in strict privacy, so much so that the media of the time did not find out about it until four days after the wedding..

4. They were both artists

In most texts or biographies of the painter, an image of Dalí’s muse has been formed that did not coincide with reality. They have always described her, in fact, as the woman behind the genius, but she was also an artist who developed thanks to her relationship with Dalí.

Many of the painter’s best works are directly influenced by his wife. The genius even signed paintings with the legend «Gala Salvador Dalí», so that everyone would know that his companion was no vase woman. She dedicated herself mainly to writing, even so Salvador Dalí and Gala were two artists who fed each other thanks to their relationship..

As you may have seen thanks to this article about Salvador Dalí and Gala, these two lovers had very specific and marked personalities, and they fought for their love against all odds, despite all the adversities that confronted them throughout their life. life. When Gala died, at the age of 87, Dalí was plunged into grief and was never the same man he once was. This is clear proof of the true nature of their love.

Now we would love for you to leave us your opinion about this couple. Did you know that Gala was married before marrying Dalí? What do you think of the painter’s relationship with his father? Did you know Gala’s side as a writer? Write us your comments, we look forward to reading you! And if you are interested in knowing a little more about the life and genius of the painter, we invite you to read the article in which we tell you about the death of dali. Also this fantastic compilation of his best phrases. We are looking forward to a super curious next article!