Saltwater crocodile | 10 curiosities about this rare predator

Throughout the world we can find surprising animal species, but the one we are going to discover today is undoubtedly at the forefront of all of them. We are talking about the saltwater crocodile, a rare predator that lives from Southeast Asia to northern Australia.

Thanks to this article, you will be able to learn ten curiosities about this animal that is as aggressive as it is impressive and lives mainly in rivers, lakes or estuaries, although some of them have been seen entering the sea because they are great swimmers. If you want to know all about them, keep reading these lines. Discover the saltwater crocodile!

Saltwater crocodile | 10 curiosities about this rare predator

1. Huge size

The saltwater crocodile has the honor of being the largest reptile on the planet. Males weighing more than 1,700 kilograms and measuring almost nine meters in length have been recorded. This particular crocodile, was captured in Queensland at the end of the fifties.

2. Great speed

Despite the immense size it may have, the saltwater crocodile is tremendously fast. She can swim up to almost fifty kilometers per hour, and even advance four meters just with the momentum of her powerful tail. They have short legs, but their movements on dry land are also extremely precise and fast, so you should not trust them.

3. Third eyelid

A very curious mechanism that the ag crocodile has to adapt to the ocean is its third eyelid. It is called a nictitating membrane and is translucent.which protects the eyes from water and also gives great visibility underwater.

4. The most powerful bite

Studies were carried out, which proved that the saltwater crocodile has the strongest bite in the entire animal kingdom. Its bite, with its jaw of 66 teeth, exerted a pressure of 1,770 kilograms. It is capable of crushing a human skull in just one bite..

5. Amazing resistance

This animal can even change its heart rate to last longer underwater. It is also capable of slowing down your metabolism and only directing blood to your brain, in this way can last up to two hours in the depths of water and thus jump without its prey being aware of its presence.

6. Cannibalism

The voracity of this predator is such that the saltwater crocodile is capable of eat even members of their own species. If it cannot hunt, it will feed on all the carrion it can until it is satiated.

7. Attacks on humans

Every year attacks by this type of crocodile on people are recorded. Once they approach their territory, these gigantic reptiles do not distinguish their prey. There is a story that is not known if it is completely real, in which it is claimed that these crocodiles They killed more than a thousand soldiers in one night of Japanese occupation in Burma.

8. Building a nest

A rather rare curiosity about this type of reptile is that During pregnancy, the female is dedicated to collecting materials throughout the ocean to build a safe nest for the more than sixty eggs she is capable of laying.. The babies have a tremendously high mortality rate, reaching 99% and there is a myth that says that the mother of the saltwater crocodile kills her babies, although it is quite the opposite since she breaks the shell of the eggs to help them get out.

9. Crocodile hunt

Many people hunt the saltwater crocodile, as its meat is highly prized. In addition, they take advantage of everything from their skin to their bones to make products that they then sell at a high price since hunting these animals is a great danger as we have already mentioned before. Despite Humans hunt this animal indiscriminatelyat the moment they are not in danger of extinction although their numbers are decreasing.

10. A very intelligent animal

It has been proven that this animal is capable of solving quite complicated problems – in its own way. They adapt very easily to any change in environment, which makes them even more dangerous. This is one of the reasons why they have survived for so many millennia among all species.

As you may have seen, saltwater crocodiles are extremely lethal predators with very particular characteristics. We are sure that this article about this gigantic reptile has caught your attention so we want to know your opinion. Have you been impressed by the curious abilities of the saltwater crocodile? Do you believe that the slaughter of more than a thousand soldiers at the hands of these animals really happened? Which of all the characteristics of this reptile did you find most striking? We want to read your comments, because we love that you participate in our articles. Write to us!

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