Receptors: Definition, Function & Examples

Imagine that you couldn’t taste, see or hear and you didn’t feel any pain either. That would be rather unfavorable for you and your survival. You must be able to recognise, absorb and interpret all these stimuli from the environment, but also from your own body. In order to be able to perceive all these signals and to be able to pass them on in your body, you need receptors.

Receptors – definition

The term receptor derives from Latin recipere ab, which means something like receiving or recording. receptors can sensory cells or protein complexes to the stimulus transmission be.

Sensory cells absorb chemical or physical stimuli, convert them into an electrical signal and transmit it to the organism’s central nervous system. The brain or spinal cord processes the information and then formulates a response from the organism.

Receptor-protein complexes serve the signal transductionso that an extracellular signal can be transmitted intracellularly across a cell membrane.

Under the term signal transduction you understand the transmission of an extracellular signal across the cell membrane and the transmission within the cell. Signal transduction can also be called signal transmission.

If you still want to learn more about these types of receptors, check out the articles on G-protein coupled receptors and ionotropic receptors!

receptors sensory cells

Sensory cells can be distinguished based on different sensory modalities. The classic five sensory modalities are:

  • See
  • Smell
  • Listen
  • Taste
  • Feel

The individual sensory modalities are only recorded via specific sensory receptors. The sensory receptors can be distributed in the tissue, as is the case with the pain receptors in the skin, or they can be organized in one sensory organ, such as the photoreceptors in the retina.

You can see the function of the receptors mcompare it with a sensor from technology that records information and forwards it.

Receptors – transmission of stimuli

A appeal is a change in energy in a cell that triggers a signal in that cell.

Receptors are highly specialized cells that only respond to a stimulus specific to the receptor. This specific stimulus is called adequate stimulus. When adequate stimuli arrive, receptors have a low threshold, so that even small amounts of energy are sufficient to send a signal to the central nervous system. Inadequate stimuli (= external stimuli or inadequate stimuli) are only converted into a signal by the sensory cell if the intensity of the incoming stimulus is very strong.

You may have noticed that you see bright spots when you press a little harder on your closed eyes. This is an inappropriate stimulus that stimulates the light receptors (photoreceptors) of the eyes.

As soon as a strong stimulus, such as high levels of solar radiation, hits the receptor in the eye, the stimulus transmission begins. This is an adequate stimulus since sunlight strikes the light-sensitive photoreceptors.

The stimulus is picked up and converted by the receptor. More precisely, the light stimulus is converted into a nerve stimulus. This nerve excitation is in turn transmitted to the central nervous system. There, an action plan for, for example, a motor reaction to the light stimulus can be created, such as squinting the eyes to protect them from too much light.

types of receptors

Sensory receptors are highly selective and only respond to an adequate stimulus. They can therefore be classified into different categories based on the stimuli they receive. There is e.g. B. photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors and thermoreceptors.

On the one hand, receptors pick up external stimuli from the environment, but on the other hand they also absorb internal stimuli. The internal stimuli are chemical and physical stimuli. For example, a mechanoreceptor perceives external stimuli such as pressure, but at the same time internal stimuli such as changes in body tension.

You can see the individual receptor types and the stimuli they receive in the table below:

receptor type

Perceived external stimuli

Internal stimuli absorbed





pressure, noise (sound waves)

Change in posture, orientation in space, muscle tension


taste, smell

Glucose level, pH value or oxygen saturation of the blood


outside temperature

body temperature

If you want to learn more about the receptor types, check out the articles on photoreceptor, chemoreceptor, mechanoreceptor, and thermoreceptor.

Sensory cells are further classified according to whether they are independent action potential able to train or not:

Primary Sensory Cells

Primary sensory cells are receptors, which turn on themselves from an electrical excitation action potential can train. In this case one also speaks of a generator potential. Examples are die mechanoreceptors the skin that absorbs touches, thermoreceptors or muscle spindles.

Secondary Sensory Cells

On the other hand, secondary sensory cells do not form any independently action potential out. The depolarization of the cell merely leads to a receptor potential. In this case it is imperative that a neuron is downstream so that a action potential can be generated. An example of a secondary sensory cell is the taste buds on the tongue.

function of receptors

Sensory receptors are specialized cells that can pick up stimuli and convert them into electrical signals. These electrical signals are passed on to the next cell in the form of an action potential and thus to the central nervous system.

A action potential describes the brief reversal of the electrical potential of the cell membrane of a nerve cell.

When at rest, the nerve cell has a resting potential of -45 to -70 mV. If a stimulus causes a small local voltage change, nothing happens in the nerve cell at first. Only if the stimulus is strong enough can the threshold voltage for an action potential be exceeded.

When the threshold voltage is reached, an action potential always occurs. More positively charged ions flow into the nerve cell and the cell membrane is depolarized (-70 mV to 0 mV). Since the influx of positively charged ions continues for a while, it comes to overshootthat is, the membrane potential briefly becomes positive (+30 mV) before repolarization begins.

During repolarization, positively charged ions are pumped out of the nerve cell so that the resting state can be reached again. This leads to a brief hyperpolarization, i.e. a more negative membrane potential than in the resting state, until the cell has restored the ion balance at -70 mV.

The potential of the cell increases to a value of up to +30 mV. Therefore, the cell has a greater electrical voltage than before. In this case one speaks of a depolarization.

The depolarization leads to a excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) and thus to one Action potential in the next neuron. The electrical excitation of the receptor potential is passed on via signal transduction and transmitted to the central nervous system (CNS) via nerve tracts. only in Brain it is possible to perceive the stimulus.

That receptor potential is a depolarization of the cell membrane of the sensory cell by an adequate stimulus.

Afferent nerves carry information about neurons to the brain and spinal cord, i.e. the central nervous system. On the other hand, efferent nerve pathways leave the central nervous system and carry information to the limbs and organs. For example, the information about the heat of a candle flame, which is felt when touching it, goes to the central nervous system via afferent nerve pathways. The motor response to pull the hand away from the flame is transmitted to the limbs via efferent nerves.

stimulus strength

In general, the intensity of the receptor potential is proportional to the strength of the stimulus. Because it is true that the higher the stimulus strength, the higher the frequency of the successive action potentials. For example, you can distinguish different loud sounds from each other. In addition, the receptor potential lasts as long as the stimulus acts on the receptor.

Adaptation to stimulus

If a stimulus lasts for a longer period of time with the same intensity, your body gets used to it. You may know this yourself: After a certain time, you no longer perceive monotonous background noises or smells as active. This process is called adaptation. How and whether a stimulus adaptation takes place depends on the type of receptor.

Overall, the receptors can be divided into three different groups based on their different adaptation to long-acting stimuli:

  1. the phasic sensory receptors show adaptation to a constant stimulus. Your stimulus response decreases and you get used to the stimulus.
  2. at tonic receptors however, like pain receptors, the action potential frequency does not decrease with time. There is no adaptation to the stimulus.
  3. The last group, the phasic-tonic receptors, represent a mixed form and are most frequently found in the human body. Even if dWhilst the pulse frequency is initially quite high, it falls to a low, constant value over time in phasic-tonic receptors.

In phasic sensory cells, however, the frequency of action potentials decreases significantly over time, which is why there is no longer any stimulus response over time. In the case of phasic-tonic sensory cells, the action potential frequency also decreases, but remains constant after a certain point in time. On the other hand, the stimulus response in tonic cells is constantly high over the entire period and corresponds to the stimulus strength.

The senses of smell and taste are among the phasic receptors. So after a certain time you can get used to a smell and not even notice it anymore. On the other hand, pain receptors are among the tonic receptors – it is not possible to get used to the pain. Light receptors, for example, are among the phasic-tonic receptors, since the pupil adapts to the light conditions.

Receptors – The most important thing

  • Receptors or sensory cells are stimulus converters and play an important role in signal transduction.
  • Receptor proteins are located in the cell membrane and only react to specific, adequate stimuli, which they convert into electrical stimuli.
  • A distinction is made between photo, mechano, chemo and thermoreceptors.
  • Primary receptors can generate an action potential, while secondary receptors must have a downstream neuron.


  1. Receptors, Spectrum Biology.
  2. Thomas Kappel (2018), Abitur-Knowledge-Biology-Neurobiology, STRONG.