Read the following two sentences aloud: «you like to learn» and «Do you like studying?»
Although both sentences consist of the same words, you will definitely have yours when you read the second sentence at the end voice raised. This is because the question mark signals to the reader that the second sentence is a question acts – and when you ask something, you always stress the last syllable.
In this explanation you will find out what other functions the question mark fulfills and how it is used correctly.
Question mark – explanation and meaning
The question mark is a punctuation. Punctuation marks include all so-called special characterwhich do not belong to the letters or numbers of a script.
punctuation structure a sentence and give it meaning. Because some punctuation marks are only used at the end of a sentence, they are called punctuation marks punctuation marks. The question mark is one of the punctuation marks.
In summary, this means:
The question mark is a punctuation markswhich marks interrogative sentences.
put question marks correctly
When do you actually use a question mark? This question is quickly answered: Namely, whenever a question is asked.
Look at the following examples:
Example A: «When do we take the math test?»
In Example A, the intent of the sentence is to find out when the math test will be written – a question will be asked. A question mark is placed at the end of the sentence.
Example B: «The math test will be written on Monday.»
In example B you see a sentence that provides the answer to example A – it is not a question but a statement. Therefore no question mark is used.
Direct and indirect questions
Sometimes sentences can be formulated in such a way that it is not immediately possible to identify or exclude them as an interrogative sentence. Below is a suitable example:
Example D: «Do you know what grade you got on the math test?»
In example D both the main clause «You know» as well as the subordinate clause «What grade you got in the math test» a question. That is why there is a question mark at the end. Because both parts of the sentence together form a question, it is also called a direct question.
main clause and subordinate clause separated by a comma.
The subordinate clause cannot exist without the main clause because it alone no sense would do. In addition, one always finds the inflected verb form, also called the conjugated verb form in last place of the sentence.
The main clause can stand without the subordinate clause and still make sense. Therefore, the main clause always takes precedence over the subordinate clause. You can find the inflected verb form at first or second place.
If you would like to deepen your knowledge on the subject, then take a look at the explanation «main clause» and «subordinate clause» on .
Example C: «Have you seen my favorite pen I use to take notes every day?»
Example C shows another possibility: Here the main clause «Have you seen my favorite pen» is a question, while the subordinate clause «I take notes with every day» is a statement. Because the main clause is superior to the subordinate clause, the sentence as a whole still results in a question – a question mark is placed. This is also one direct questioning.
Example D: «I can’t remember my grade on the math test.»
At first glance, example D might seem like a question mark needs to be placed. That’s because itself the question in subordinate clause «What grade I got on the math test». Because however the main clause «I do not know anymore» a statement is, and the main clause the subordinate clause iis always superordinatethe entire sentence is not a question—no question mark is used.
If a question is only formulated in the subordinate clause (and not in the main clause), it is a question indirect question. After all, the question is not asked specifically as in the case of a direct question, but is hidden in the subordinate part of the sentence.
So in general:
A question mark is placed whenever the main clause is a direct question. Should the question only in passing to be found, it is an indirect question – hence will no question mark set.
Question mark after signal word
An exception are sentences that start with a signal word end up. Examples of signal words include «or,» «not true,» and «not.»
Example E: «We’ll meet at three o’clock tomorrow, right?»
Signal words at the end of declarative sentences require the confirmation of the counterpart – so the statement becomes an interrogative sentence. As shown in example E, a question mark is used in such a case.
function of the question mark
You are probably already aware that question marks are always linked to a question. But beyond that, the question mark has other meanings, which will be discussed in this section.
The answer function
The question mark always ends a question sentence and thus makes it clear that a question is being asked. As a rule, the question is also answered with a Response expected.
An exception is the rhetorical question. Characterized by a question mark, it often appears as a rhetorical device in poems or speeches. A rhetorical question is not expected to have a specific answer—rather, it prompts the listener or reader to think deeply about the content of the question.
The emphasis function
As you may have noticed in the introduction, when you read a question, you raise your voice at the end. In a text, the question mark signals a question and the reader can prepare to answer the sentence to emphasize accordingly.
Sentences that are stressed like a statement without a question mark are given the correct stress with the question mark:
«You did that?» (emphasis as question) instead of «You did that.» (emphasis as a declarative sentence)
The curiosity function
are common Question marks in headings from newspaper articles or advertising campaigns. Similar to the rhetorical question, the reader is not asked for a specific answer, but is encouraged to think about the content for themselves. In most cases, these questions arouse curiosity and thus attract the attention on yourself.
«Drug raid in a retirement home?» – Headline of a newspaper article
«Are you still living or are you already alive?» – Ikea advertising slogan
Peculiarities of the question mark
Even if the question mark is usually only used after clear, direct questions, there are a few exceptions and special features that you will get to know below.
Bracketed question mark
Question marks in brackets sometimes appear in sentences. These symbolize that certain circumstances doubted will.
«According to her own statements, Doris Schneider is 39 (?) years old.»
question and exclamation marks
In a few cases sentences can be used as exclamation, but at the same time as a question be apprehended. Depending on how you understand the sentence, you can put an exclamation mark or a question mark here.
«Are you serious?» or «Are you serious?»
However, if a sentence is intended to express an exclamation and a question at the same time, question marks and exclamation marks are combined.
question mark as a colon
In some sentences, the question mark takes over the function of the colon when this would appear after a prior notice.
Colon: «Where are we flying to this year: Turkey or Greece?»
Question mark: «Where are we flying to this year? Turkey or Greece?»
Comma as a question mark
Stringed questions or question words can be connected by commas. The question mark is then only placed at the end of the sequence.
«How, where, what?» instead of «How? Where? What?»
Question mark – The most important thing
- The question mark is a punctuation markswhich marks interrogative sentences.
- Question marks are always set when a question is provided.
- If the main and subordinate clause express a question or only the main clause is formulated as a question, it is a question direct question – in this case a question mark is placed.
- If only the subordinate clause expresses a question and the main clause does not, it is a question indirect question – no question mark is used in this case.
- Make an exception signal words like «or» and «not true» that come at the end of a declarative sentence. Since a confirmation from the other party is expected, put a question mark at the end of these sentences.
- The question mark fulfills the functions, a Answers) to demand that stress on the last syllable to raise the interrogative sentence and curiosity to wake up.
- The question mark can bracketed or in combination with the exclamation mark appear. Besides, it can replace colon or be replaced by a comma.