Population Great Britain: statistics, development |

What draws the population (population) of Great Britain and how has it changed in recent decades? What impact migration on the Population, and what actually is one total fertility rate? Reading through the answers to these questions will give you a diverse picture of Britain and its people.

Population United Kingdom 2020 – Statistics

Among the most important characteristics of a population are the population as well as the population density. But also statistics about the population growth rate give you information about the overall situation of a country.

UK population

The population of Great Britain comprised around 67 million people in 2020. The majority (approx. 57 million) live in England, followed by Scotland (5.5 million) and Wales (3.1 million). You can see exactly how the total population has developed in the last few decades from the following statistics.

As a reminder, Great Britain consists of the three countries England, Scotland and Wales. Together with Northern Ireland (1.9 million inhabitants), they form the United Kingdom.

Figure 1: UK population Source: de.statista.com

As you can see, the population of Great Britain grew only slightly between 1980 and 2003: During this period, between 56 and 59 million people lived in England, Scotland and Wales. Only in the following years did the population increasing: Between 2004 and 2018 the population of Great Britain increased by six million people to a total of 66 million.

It is estimated that another two million people will be added by 2026. This is mainly due to the fact that many people are now immigrating to Great Britain and settling there.

To the immigration You will learn more about Great Britain in the course of this explanation.

population density

Closely related to the number of inhabitants is the population density (population density) of a country. It indicates how many people per square kilometer (km²) Life.

the total area Great Britain is approximately 229,850 km². Assuming you divide that area once by the current population, you get an approximate one population density of 287 residents.

For comparison: Germany’s total area is 357,349 km² significantly larger, which is why only about 231 people live here per square kilometer.

Similar to the number of inhabitants, there are also large differences in population density between the individual parts of the country. Density in England (276) is significantly higher than in Wales (151) and Scotland (70). This large difference is due to the fact that almost a third of England’s people live in cities.

For example, the English capital London is home to around 9 million people. The population density there is 5,000 people per square kilometer – nowhere else in Great Britain do so many people live so close together.

For comparison: In Germany’s largest city, Berlin, the population density is almost 4,000 people per year km².

population growth rate

the population growth rate (population growth rate) indicates by what percentage the population of a country is growing each year. It depends, among other things, on the birth rate, the number of deaths, annual migration and factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

All of these aspects have contributed significantly to the population growth rate at 0.6% (as of 2022) is currently somewhat lower than in previous years. In 2016 it was still 0.8%. In concrete terms, this means that the population is currently growing somewhat more slowly than in previous years.

UK Population – Age

Of particular interest for demographic studies are information about the age the population. In addition to the average years of life, this also includes information about their distribution.

The term «demographic» refers to any question having to do with the characteristics of a population.

Average age

The average age (median age) in Great Britain has increased continuously in recent years and is currently 40.5 years. At 41.7 years, women are on average slightly older than men (39.3 years).

Within the UK, the average age is highest in Wales at 42.4, followed by Scotland (41.4) and England (40.5). How the total number has changed over the decades and will develop in the future can be seen in this diagram:

Figure 2: Average age in Great BritainSource: de.statista.com

As you can see, the average age of the population of Great Britain has risen enormously: At the beginning of the recording in 1950, the residents were 34.9 years, about five years younger than today (40.5). This trend will very likely continue: As you can see in the right half of the statistics, people in 2050 will be four years older on average than they are today so 44.5 years old.

age distribution

Have you ever wondered how many people are the same age, older, or younger than you? You can find the answer in the age distribution of a country. It indicates what percentage of the total population of a particular belong to age group. The distribution also depends, among other things, on how many people are born or die each year, i.e. on the birth or death rate. For example, if many people are born while many older people are dying, the proportion of the younger age group increases.

In 2020, the distribution for Great Britain was as follows:

  • 17.7% are between 0 and 14 years old.
  • 63.6% are between 15 and 64 years old.
  • 18.7% are older than 65 years old.

You can illustrate these numbers with the help of the following graphic:

Figure 3: Age distribution in Great Britain Source: de.statista.com

As you can see, the 0-14 age group has increased by just 0.18 percentage points over the past ten years. However, the group of people aged 65 and older has grown by almost two percent.

2019 was that Office for National Statistics estimate that around 13,000 people in the UK are 100 years old or older – and the trend is rising.

Great Britain’s population development

Populations are dynamic, meaning they are constantly changing. The population of Great Britain does not always remain as it is, but looks a little different every year. The age structure is part of this change. This means that the category of people who are under 18, for example, can increase or decrease. This dynamic is called age shift.

age shift

As you have already seen in the age structure, the proportion of people over 65 has increased by almost 2% since 2010. This means that in Great Britain – similar to Germany – the overall population is getting older on average.

There are several reasons for this: On the one hand, the general improvement in life quality also the longevity the human. This means they live longer overall than previous generations.

Women in the UK now have one Life expectancy (life expectancy) averaging 83 years; that of men is around 79 years.

Another reason for the shift in age distribution relates to the average age at which women have their first child. While around 50 years ago women became mothers for the first time at the age of 26.6 years, today (as of 2022) they give birth to their first child at around 29 years of age.

fertility rate

Closely related to the previous point and also a factor contributing to the age shift is the fertility rate (total fertility rate). It indicates how many children a woman gives birth to on average in her lifetime.

In 2012, that figure was 1.92; in 2021 it has fallen to 1.75. This means fewer and fewer women are having two children or more. Accordingly, this development inhibits the growth of the youngest age group, i.e. people between 0 and 14 years.

UK Population – Society

So far you have gotten to know British society in facts and figures. You know about their age structure, their distribution in the country and also about how they are likely to develop in the future. There are other characteristics that can give you a more accurate picture of the people of Great Britain. These include the aspects language, religious affiliation and ethnic groups.

the social classes, into which the population of Great Britain is divided, is another telling factor about society. You can find out exactly what this is all about in the «Social Classes UK» statement.


There is no statutory one in the UK official languagehowever, English is de facto recognized as such and spoken by almost 95% of the total population.

De facto means that something is done and implemented in everyday life without it being stipulated in the law, for example. If the latter is the case, one speaks of de jure – then a fact is established and determined by law.

Not all English are the same: Within Great Britain there are different languages ​​depending on the region dialects. The most well-known include Cockney, which is mainly spoken in London, and the Yorkshire dialect of the region of the same name.

In Scotland, the Scottish Gaelic language as the official language spoken by approximately 57,000 people. Wales also has two recognized official languages: Welsh and English. Welsh is mentioned in the law ahead of English and is spoken by over 750,000 people.

the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages is dedicated to protecting minority languages ​​such as Welsh.

under one charter means a constitutional document in which certain goals and rights are laid down.

It was decided to make Welsh more visible in public spaces – for example in schools, universities, in laws or cultural institutions – and to speak and teach more. This is to ensure that new people keep learning the language.

literacy rate

In the UK it is literacy rate (literacy rate) more than 99%. This means that almost the entire population can read and write. This puts the UK nine percentage points above the world average of 90%. The high number is mainly due to the public education system in Great Britain, in which parents are obliged to send their children to school.

If you want to learn more about the education system in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the explanation «Education System UK» will help you.

religious affiliations

If you have already dealt with the subject of religion in Great Britain, you may have…