Those affected find skin blemishes, especially on the face, naturally unsightly. A seemingly effective measure: squeeze the pimple. But that’s not safe. FITBOOK spoke to an expert about the areas in the center of the face where it’s strictly forbidden. In the worst case, there is apparently a risk of thrombosis in the brain!
Squeeze pimples – already a delicate matter. If it is not «mature», it can take revenge with an even more clearly visible hum if you have fiddled with it.
But it can also be downright harmful. For example, if you push the pus that collects in the pimple into the skin instead of out of the pimple. Experts also warn against manipulating with unclean fingers or on uncleaned skin). Because: If pus or bacteria get into the lower layers of the skin, you quickly contract an infection. And that would obviously be particularly fatal in the middle of the face.
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What’s the deal with the «deadly triangle»?
What is meant is the triangular area between the bridge of the nose and the corners of the mouth. Some media have even gone so far as to refer to it as the «deadly triangle» in connection with popping pimples.
“Quite so dramatically” would the Munich dermatologist Dr. medical Not to express Timm Golüke. However, when asked by FITBOOK, he confirmed that one should actually refrain from squeezing pimples on the nose and above the upper lip. It is important to keep your hands off any accumulation of pus in this area.
Veins run directly to the brain
It is normal for bacteria to be on the skin. However, if you press them into deeper skin layers, it can lead to blood poisoning.
Possible consequence: blood poisoning and thrombosis
dr Golüke points out that the vessels in the area between the root of the nose and the corners of the mouth are connected to cerebral veins. Means: Inflammatory processes in this area could continue into the brain. Possible consequence: sinus vein thrombosis, i.e. a clot that causes the veins in the brain to become blocked.
A sinus vein thrombosis is a case for the neurologist. Acute therapy is usually by heparin (injection). Whether and how the treatment continues depends on the severity of the disease.
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If pimple popping is forbidden – how do you get rid of them?
Which always makes sense: cleaning blemishes with alcohol. You are also welcome to dab several times a day, e.g. B. with a cotton pad soaked in disinfectant.
If you are still prone to pimples as an adult, you should discuss the topic with your dermatologist. You can help those affected with special creams, e.g. those containing zinc. Fruit and lactic acid are also considered to be promising for cleansing the complexion.
If there is no other way…
Admittedly, there are exceptional cases in which one does not know what else to do. And if there is already a crown of pus, expressing it usually works quite well. The be-all and end-all: pay strict attention to hygiene! The fingers must be clean and also the skin to be treated on the face. It is best to carefully prick the pimple with a sterile needle before squeezing it out so that the pus can escape unhindered. Disinfect everything afterwards and leave the wound alone.