Ever heard of melatonin? This is a hormone in the human body that regulates sleeping and waking times. In many places abroad you can buy melatonin in tablet form without a prescription, in Germany it requires a prescription and is rather controversial. FITBOOK spoke to an expert about the preparation, its effects and possible risks.
Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone because it regulates the human day-night rhythm. However, it also takes on other tasks in the body. Last but not least, melatonin is an antioxidant, which means that it reduces the effects of harmful free radicals that can otherwise cause cell aging and damage. This would not only be noticeable with the development of wrinkles. Even worse: Oxidative stress is primarily associated with cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Melatonin – without a prescription abroad, not in Germany
While melatonin in tablet form has been known and popular for a while, we are currently encountering it more and more as a spray. Because of its supposed anti-aging effect, it is a component of various dietary supplements in the USA and the Netherlands. But melatonin can also be bought cheaply and without a prescription in some other countries as a single preparation, mainly to maintain a healthy sleep rhythm. Due to the attributed effect, more and more people are stocking up on it on vacation or trying to order it on the Internet. Because in Germany there is melatonin in a dose over 1 milligram only from a single manufacturer – prescription.
Why is the allocation here handled more strictly and whether melatonin is really the miracle cure that many think it is? With these and other questions, FITBOOK turned to Dr. Hans Günther Weeß, psychotherapist and head of the interdisciplinary sleep center at the Pfalzklinikum in Klingenmünster.
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How does melatonin affect sleep?
Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain in the dark, with the result that we become tired and the body prepares for sleep. When it gets light in the morning, the release decreases – the signal for the body to wake up and get up. In order to optimize this process or to treat a disturbed melatonin balance, many rely on tablets or melatonin spray
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What does a «disturbed melatonin balance» mean?
If the body does not have enough melatonin available at the appropriate times of the day and night, this is referred to as a disturbed melatonin balance. This can have natural causes, for example that the brain gland releases less of it with increasing age. But there are also factors in younger people that can influence the melatonin balance – for example irregular daily routines, shift work or travel to different time zones. The blue light component of mobile phone or computer screens is also said to inhibit the production of the hormone. For this reason, scientists advise against reading on your smartphone or laptop in bed.
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Can a doctor diagnose a melatonin deficiency?
according to dr Weeß, there is the possibility of determining the melatonin balance using saliva or blood tests. However, the results are very inaccurate because: «Melatonin must be measured at different times of the day, as the hormone level is subject to constant fluctuations.»
Are Melatonin Supplements the Key to Restful Sleep?
«No,» assures sleep expert Dr. weess «The melatonin balance is just a small cog in the entire cycle that controls the quality of sleep.» For example, taking melatonin does absolutely nothing for someone who can’t close their eyes due to restlessness.
The consumer organization Stiftung Warentest came to a similar conclusion when examining six melatonin preparations. None of the tested products showed the desired effect. Instead, Stiftung Warentest documented side effects such as abdominal pain.
Does melatonin have an effect on some people?
Those who have only very minor sleep problems may benefit from taking melatonin, according to Dr. benefit. And it also helps when travelling: «Taken daily, melatonin can help you get used to the time difference and thus avoid jet lag.» In addition, there is no scientific evidence that melatonin has a (positive) influence on the sleep cycle. With a team of other somnologists, Dr. Weeß examines the effect of the drug in detail and largely refrains from using it in his sleep therapy practice.
How and where can you get melatonin in Germany?
By prescription from a specialist. The only melatonin preparation on the German market is Circadin from Lundbeck with a dose of 2 milligrams per tablet. To date, Circadin has only been clinically tested on older volunteers. As a rule, it can therefore only be prescribed to patients who have passed the age of 55.
Why does melatonin require a prescription in Germany?
Because there is a lack of studies that could adequately confirm the tolerability of melatonin and rule out side effects. In order to obtain approval for over-the-counter sale, a long series of tests would have to be carried out. Companies have so far shied away from this step, possibly for cost reasons.
In Germany, some preparations with 1 milligram of melatonin are available without a prescription. Correspondingly low-dose melatonin tablets and sprays can be found as food supplements, for example in drugstores.
How do you take melatonin?
Unless otherwise discussed with the doctor treating you, one tablet is taken daily, according to the Circadin package insert, about one to two hours before going to bed. This dosage can be maintained for up to 13 weeks. To treat jet lag, Dr. Weeß for daily intake over the period of the trip.
US manufacturers and suppliers of melatonin supplements often recommend taking it 30 to 60 minutes before your desired bedtime, while other sources recommend about 20 minutes before bedtime. Products offered abroad also differ significantly in terms of dose. Preparations with single doses of up to 5 milligrams per tablet are also available.
What side effects are possible?
«The dose makes the poison,» is the expert’s assessment. Like any other drug, melatonin in prescription doses can have side effects, but these do not necessarily have to occur. On online portals, consumers report nightmares, migraines, irritability and nervousness, as well as gastrointestinal problems and weight gain. In addition, Dr. In addition to a possible overhang, i.e. tiredness the next day, weeß thinks that long-term negative effects on kidney and liver values are conceivable.