The journalist is the professional who works in the search and dissemination of information that is relevant to society as a whole, making this content public through communication channels, whether TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet. It is he who investigates and determines the facts to be made available to the most varied audiences.
The Journalism professional also writes, conducts interviews, edits articles and reports, writes articles, releases, notes, among others, depending on the approach and language required for the vehicle for which the material is intended. In some companies, the journalist can act as a communication or press advisor.
Target Audience
The Journalism course is aimed at those who have command of Portuguese and writing techniques. Having a critical sense and ease of expression, communication and creativity are seen as differentials in the professional. It is essential to stay up-to-date on the main issues in the world.
The Journalism course
The Journalism course consists of basic and trivial disciplines, such as Communication Theory, Sociology, Portuguese Language and Writing, but there are also those that are specific to graduation.
See below the main disciplines of the Journalism course:
interview techniques
Text Editing
Printed journalism
radio journalism
Investigative Journalism
Science Journalism
web journalism
International Journalism
Environmental Journalism
Radio and TV
Text Workshop
After completing the course, journalists can specialize in a specific segment, such as economics, politics, sports or culture. There are also the segments of fashion and gastronomy, as well as public administration and health.
Don’t stop now… There’s more after the publicity 😉
average duration
On average: 8 semesters (4 years)
Job market
Since June 2009, it is not necessary to have a degree in Journalism to work in the area. However, despite the non-requirement of a higher education degree in Journalism, it is rare to find a company or body that hires a professional without a diploma.
Due to the growth of the internet and communication channels in this medium, vacancies in the area of digital media are more numerous, as well as in the area of Press Office/Communication.
For digital content, it is necessary for the professional to be familiar with multimedia tools, internet language, marketing and social networks. In traditional vehicles, such as newspapers and magazines, opportunities have been more scarce in recent years.
The journalist also has the possibility of acting as an autonomous/freelancer professional or even opening his own business, such as communication agencies, digital content, advertising copy, advisory services and monitoring of social networks.
The best opportunities for journalists are concentrated in the capitals, as this is where the main communication vehicles are located.
See also: 10 films for those who like or want to do Journalism
Fields of action
The professional can work in numerous segments, from different areas, and may even have a leadership position. Check below the main fields of activity for graduates in the Journalism course:
web (internet)
Printed newspapers (daily or weekly);
Press Office/Communication;
Multimedia digital communication;
Business Communication;
Social media.
average salary
A Journalist’s average salary varies by state. In São Paulo, for example, the minimum wage is BRL 3,902.44 (in 2022), according to a table released by the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of São Paulo.
Requirements for exercising the profession
The requirement for a Journalism diploma to practice the profession was overturned by the Federal Supreme Court on June 17, 2009. The allegation was that requiring training limited the right to information and freedom of expression.
It was also said that the diploma would only be a form of economic interest on the part of higher education institutions. In addition, they claimed that the diploma was required in a period of repression, during the military regime in Brazil, and there is currently no need.
Main Colleges of Journalism
See below the main universities in the country that offer the Journalism course:
Southeast region
Holy Spirit: UFES, Fac. Estácio.
Minas Gerais: PUC-Minas, UFMG, Unipac, Estácio, UFJF, UEMG, UFV.
Rio de Janeiro: UVA-RJ, Estácio, Uerj, UFRJ, UFF, PUC-Rio.
São Paulo: Unip, Unesp, PUC-Campinas, PUC-SP, Mackenzie, USP, Anhembi Morumbi, Cásper Líbero.
North region
Acre: UFAC.
amazon: UFAM, Unip-AM.
For: UFPA.
Rondônia: JOIN.
roraima: UFRR.
Tocantins: UFT.
Northeast Region
Alagoas: Cesmac, Ufal.
bahia: UFBA, Uneb, Uesb, UFRB.
Ceará: UFC.
Maranhao: UFMA.
Paraíba: UEPB, UFPB.
Pernambuco: UFPE.
Piauí: UFPI, Uespi.
Rio Grande Norte: Uern, UFRN.
sergipe: UFS.
Midwest region
Federal District: UnB, Unip-DF, UCB, Uniceub.
Goias: UFG, PUC-Goiás, Alfa, Fac. Araguaia, Fasam.
Mato Grosso do Sul: UFMS.
Mato Grosso: UFMT, Unemat.
South region
Paraná: Unipar, PUCPR, UFPR, Unopar, Cesumar, UEL, UEPG.
Rio Grande do Sul: Ulbra, PUCRS, UFRGS, UFSM.
Santa Catarina: UFSC.