Is there an alcohol allergy?

Drinking too much alcohol can come back with various ailments and discomfort. But there are even said to be people who suffer from a real allergy to alcohol. It is said that even small amounts of beverages containing alcohol trigger severe allergic reactions in them. FITBOOK has found out what forms of alcohol intolerance exist and what those affected should know.

Headaches, nausea and vomiting – just three of many signs that you might have had a drink too deep. But a hangover is only one thing. There are also downright allergic reactions to alcohol. What’s behind it?

What is an alcohol allergy?

FITBOOK has the general practitioner Dr. medical Michael Feld asked. He names various possible intolerance reactions, which are mostly aimed at additives contained in alcohol. These include typical allergy symptoms such as swelling of the mucous membranes, increased blood flow and vasodilatation. Histamine is particularly notorious here. Among the alcoholic beverages, red wine in particular is rich in the messenger substance. But other foods can also contain histamine or their consumption can trigger the release of endogenous histamine.

FITBOOK has previously reported in detail on everything worth knowing about histamine intolerance. Also about any symptoms. «Redness of the skin is relatively common, especially on the face, but it can also lead to a runny nose, coughing or gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea,» said Prof. Dr. medical Thomas Fuchs, who, among other things, is Vice President of the Medical Association of German Allergists.

The vasodilator effects of alcohol

dr Feld is reminiscent of the vasodilating effects of alcohol. Some of the allergy symptoms mentioned (e.g. facial reddening) can be triggered by it.

Above all, people who are prone to a certain form of migraine should literally go straight to their heads when drinking alcohol. «The vessels in the head dilate and cause pressure that cannot escape through the bony skullcap,» says the expert. The result: headaches. Not an allergy, strictly speaking, but definitely a severe form of intolerance.

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«Real» alcohol allergy is rather rare

A «real» intolerance to alcohol, i.e. ethanol, is rather rare. Those affected react allergic to even small amounts, whether the alcohol is contained in spirits, liqueurs or even medicines. According to experts, this is due to an increased concentration of the alcohol metabolite acetaldehyde in the body, since the enzyme required to break down alcohol works less well.

You’ve heard about the enzyme before. Especially in Asia, there are many people who are genetically lacking the so-called ALDH2 isoenzyme. This leads to a slower breakdown of alcohol and the toxins produced in the body. People who have drunk a lot in their lives and/or have caused lasting damage to their liver in some other way can also suffer from alcohol intolerance.

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If you suspect that you have been affected, please speak to a doctor. Careless continued drinking could have serious consequences for your health.